
Nutrition Guides

Our online coaching clients don’t rely on supplements. There are no nutrition ‘hacks’ to achieve physique transformation. The only ‘shortcut’ is setting things up correctly in the first place. And when you understand the underlying principles, you will no longer find yourself frustrated by plateaus because you’ll know your way through them.


Start with my free book and 7-lesson email course on mastering nutrition setup.

The RippedBody Nutrition Setup Guide - Device Display

Alternatively, read through the nutrition setup guide series on the site starting here. Then finish your nutrition setup with these guides:

  1. 🧮 The Macro Calculator
  2. 👨‍🍳 How to Count Macros and Make Meals Out of Them
  3. 🤔 Should I Bulk, Cut, or Recomp?
  4. 📈 How to Track Your Progress
  5. 🤳 Body-Fat Percentage Pictures


Unskilled dieters are forever losing and gaining the same 10 lbs. Unskilled gainers are forever gaining and losing the same. Learn how to adjust things correctly, and you will avoid this trap.

  1. 🤨 Why Calorie and Macro Adjustments Are Needed
  2. 📊 How Cut and Bulk Cycles Should Look
  3. 🪄 How to Assess and Correct Your Initial Calorie Calculations
  4. 💧 Why We Experience Fluctuations in Weight and Appearance
  5. How Well-executed Mid-diet Adjustments Can Save You Years
  6. 📉 How to Adjust Calories and Macros as You Diet
  7. 📈 How to Adjust Calories and Macros as You Bulk
  8. 🤦🏻‍♂️ Don't Use A Calorie Calculator When You Transition Between Bulking and Cutting
  9. ⚖️ How to Find Maintenance Calories After Dieting (or Bulking)
  10. 🍔 How to Find Calorie Maintenance After a Bodybuilding Contest
  11. 🦧 How to Cut After Bulking
  12. 🦒 How to Bulk After Cutting
  13. 🍔 How to Bulk Up Without Getting Fat
  14. 🤤 How to Use Diet Breaks

Alternatively, consider purchasing my book: The Diet Adjustments Manual 📙


  1. 😅 What to Do Before You Count Calories and Macros
  2. 🏠 How to Manage Your Food Environment
  3. 😡 How to Avoid Protein Powder Scams
  4. 🍺 How to Drink Alcohol and Not Screw Up Your Diet
  5. 🥑 How to Test if Keto Is Right for You
  6. 💊 Training 'Fasted'? Take Whey Protein, Not BCAAs
  7. 🩳 The Leangains Macro Calculator & Meal Timing Guide


How to Bulk After Cutting

When transitioning from a cut to a bulk, it is better to calculate the calorie increase needed using your progress data than making a fresh calculation with a calorie and macro calculator. This is because the equations behind calorie calculators only give estimations, and they cannot factor in any reduction

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How to Cut After Bulking

When transitioning from a bulk to a cut, it is better to calculate the calorie reduction needed using your progress data than making a fresh calculation with a calorie and macro calculator. This is because the equations behind calorie calculators only give estimations, and they cannot factor in any bump

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How Well-executed Mid-diet Adjustments Can Shave Years Off the Time You Need to Reach Your Potential

How Well-executed Mid-diet Adjustments Can Shave Years Off the Time You Need to Reach Your Potential

As already discussed, past a certain point, we need to alternate bulk and cut phases to keep progressing. This is the only way to continue gaining muscle over time while managing body fat levels. To do that, we need to make calorie and macro adjustments. This is because our energy

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Am I Lean Enough To Bulk?

Am I Lean Enough To Bulk?

Q) Hi Andy, am I lean enough to bulk? A) This is something I help coaching clients decide on all the time. If you’re past the point where you’re achieving both muscle growth and fat loss at the same time, you need to choose between cutting and bulking. And if

Am I Lean Enough To Bulk? Read More »
Does Creatine Cause Hair Loss?

Does Creatine Cause Hair Loss?

I’m no fan of supplements. I despise the sleaze of the supplement industry. However, as I said in my supplements for fat loss and muscle growth guide, of all those claiming to improve performance out there, creatine is one of only two with vast amounts of research showing benefits. But,

Does Creatine Cause Hair Loss? Read More »

The Problem With Keto

Keto is trendy right now, in a way that the paleo diet was a few years ago, and many other diets before it. The problem is that when something trends, the algorithm’s reward extreme claims. The loudest voices rise to the top, muddying the waters for all…

The Problem With Keto Read More »

Updated Bulking Guidelines

I’ve made changes to the rates I recommend people aim to gain weight at when bulking. This was sparked when I received a comment from a reader last week on the Calorie and Macro Calculator, asking why the calculations there did not match what I have in my How To Bulk Without

Updated Bulking Guidelines Read More »

The Game Changers Debunked — Netflix Puts Views Over Facts, Again

‘The Game Changers’ documentary is little more than a cleverly-disguised attempt to scare people into being vegan with false health and performance claims. Netflix benefits their view count from the outrage; the backers (James Cameron, among them) benefit financially from their vegan product investments. There are plenty of legitimate reasons

The Game Changers Debunked — Netflix Puts Views Over Facts, Again Read More »
The RippedBody Macro Calculator


This calculator is built on the back of 9 years of experience coaching people online, full time. They’re based on the recommendations in my book, The Muscle and Strength Nutrition Pyramid, which is a 290-page, fully-referenced guide for powerlifters and physique athletes. But if you think you wondering whether the…


James Krieger on the Issues of Tracking Body Fat Percentage

On this episode of the Rippedbody Podcast, I interview James Krieger. James is a published scientist, author, speaker, fitness competitor, statistical wizard and the mind behind the immensely popular blog and membership site, Weightology.net. We discuss the different methods available for tracking body fat percentage [06:15], the two-component model used by…

James Krieger on the Issues of Tracking Body Fat Percentage Read More »

5 Steps to Arming the Public Against Charlatans and Fraudsters in the Fitness Industry

“This is one of the most important articles I’ve ever written. Maybe the most important one in terms of getting this message across to practitioners.” – Alan Aragon It’s my pleasure and honor to share with you this guest article today by mentor and friend, legendary sports nutritionist and researcher, Alan…

5 Steps to Arming the Public Against Charlatans and Fraudsters in the Fitness Industry Read More »
The US Navy Body-fat Percentage Estimation Calculator

The US Navy Body fat Calculator

[Last Updated: April 9th, 2020] Finding your body-fat percentage is an imprecise endeavor. The methods that we generally have available to measure it range from being ‘acceptably accurate’ to ‘very poor,’ and they are nearly all useless for tracking changes over time. – They’re all marketed as being really accurate of…

The US Navy Body fat Calculator Read More »
How to Bulk Without Getting Fat

How to Bulk Up Without Getting Fat

There is an absence of quality diet advice out there for people trying to bulk. ‘Eat more!’ lacks the detail and finesse to optimize things, ‘Calculate your macros, train hard’ – misses the fundamental point that as we progress, calorie and macronutrient needs change and adjustments are necessary to keep us progressing.

How to Bulk Up Without Getting Fat Read More »

‘The Lean Muscle Diet’ – A Detailed Review of Lou Schuler and Alan Aragon’s New Book

Lou Schuler is an award-winning fitness journalist and author. Alan Aragon is one of the world’s most influential figures in the modern movement towards evidence-based sports nutrition. They have the best part of 50 years of experience on the right side of this industry between them, and this is their first…

‘The Lean Muscle Diet’ – A Detailed Review of Lou Schuler and Alan Aragon’s New Book Read More »

The 9 Categories of Trainee: Their Mistakes, How to Avoid Them, and What You Can Achieve When You Get Things Right (Pt. 2 of 3)

This is the second part in my serial guide helping you to identify where you’re at now so that you can set your diet and training up accordingly to make the fastest possible progress. This part we cover two categories of trainees, Skinny, and Shredded. – Very different physiques, but…

The 9 Categories of Trainee: Their Mistakes, How to Avoid Them, and What You Can Achieve When You Get Things Right (Pt. 2 of 3) Read More »

The 9 Categories of Trainee: Their Mistakes, How to Avoid Them, and What You Can Achieve When You Get Things Right (Pt.1of3)

I have had to decline nearly half of all coaching applicants in the last three and a half years because the expectations on what they thought could be achieved, and my opinion on what would realistically be achieved, simply could not be reconciled. The reason for this huge disconnect is…

The 9 Categories of Trainee: Their Mistakes, How to Avoid Them, and What You Can Achieve When You Get Things Right (Pt.1of3) Read More »


noun Disease where an individual (usually male) suffers deluded notions that the enormous amounts of  weight gained due to purposeful overeating combined with weight training in the winter months is actually mostly muscle, that they can remove the ‘few pounds’ of fat gained with a quick cut in the spring, and…

Dreambulkeritis Read More »
Nutrition Pyramid Intro Artwork

How To Set Up Your Diet: The Nutritional Hierarchy of Importance for Fat Loss & Muscle Growth

There is a very clear order of priority when setting up your diet. If you don’t understand it, at best you’ll just be wasting money, at worst your time and effort as well. Unfortunately there is a large amount of confusion and misconceptions over what is important. I see this…

How To Set Up Your Diet: The Nutritional Hierarchy of Importance for Fat Loss & Muscle Growth Read More »

If it ain’t broken…

Let’s say your rich uncle dies and leaves you his Gallardo. On your first track-day you get spanked. To make matters worse it’s by guys in cars half the price. They are laughing. Do you get out your spanners and start fiddling with stuff in the hope this will make…

If it ain’t broken… Read More »
The Leangains Macro Calculator

The Leangains Macro Calculator

There is a school of thought that it can be beneficial for nutrient partitioning (and therefore body composition) to have more calories on the days you work out, and less on the days you don’t. Martin Berkhan, in particular, took this a step further by experimenting with higher carb/lower fat…

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The Leangains Guide — An Overview and Detailed Meal Timing Guide

The RippedBody Leangains Guide

Skip breakfast, eat big meals, train hard and heavy. These are the core principles of Leangains – a style of diet and training system pioneered by Swedish nutritionist Martin Berkhan. There is a school of thought that it can be beneficial for nutrient partitioning (and therefore body composition changes) to…

The RippedBody Leangains Guide Read More »

A Guide To Alcohol and Fat Loss

I’m often asked by clients, “How can I drink and not screw up my diet?” Good question. I never say no to alcohol with my clients diets as it’s not realistic. Often, the all or nothing mindset sets people up for failure, because once they have one beer, they decide, “Oh well,…

A Guide To Alcohol and Fat Loss Read More »
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