
Crafting an Elite Mindset — Lessons From the Israeli Special Forces and Mossad (Seminar)

“Is somebody with your same skill set and knowledge currently achieving more than you are? — If your answer is yes, then a mindset issue is holding you back.” 👆 Itamar’s opening words felt like a gut punch, a feeling I have gotten used to over the last four years. “Mindset

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How to Bulk After Cutting

When transitioning from a cut to a bulk, it is better to calculate the calorie increase needed using your progress data than making a fresh calculation with a calorie and macro calculator. This is because the equations behind calorie calculators only give estimations, and they cannot factor in any reduction

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How to Cut After Bulking

When transitioning from a bulk to a cut, it is better to calculate the calorie reduction needed using your progress data than making a fresh calculation with a calorie and macro calculator. This is because the equations behind calorie calculators only give estimations, and they cannot factor in any bump

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Lynn’s Transformation

It’s not often I get nervous writing an email, but yesterday was one of those times. I asked a client if I could share his results, and I am delighted that he said yes. This is Lynn. Or rather, this was Lynn in June of 2020. Lynn had been overweight his entire life. The

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Stop Chasing Novelty

I want to share a fundamental truth of training. One that’s as true of the athletes I coached at the Under Armor Performance Center ten years ago, as it is for the recreational trainees I coach now. Chasing novelty is the fastest way to sabotage your progress and spin your

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How Well-executed Mid-diet Adjustments Can Shave Years Off the Time You Need to Reach Your Potential

How Well-executed Mid-diet Adjustments Can Shave Years Off the Time You Need to Reach Your Potential

As already discussed, past a certain point, we need to alternate bulk and cut phases to keep progressing. This is the only way to continue gaining muscle over time while managing body fat levels. To do that, we need to make calorie and macro adjustments. This is because our energy

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Am I Lean Enough To Bulk?

Am I Lean Enough To Bulk?

Q) Hi Andy, am I lean enough to bulk? A) This is something I help coaching clients decide on all the time. If you’re past the point where you’re achieving both muscle growth and fat loss at the same time, you need to choose between cutting and bulking. And if

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Should I Train My Abs?

Should I Train My Abs?

Do Ab Workouts Burn Belly Fat? You can do ab-specific exercises at any body-fat level. But should you? I’d argue that most people should not. Only two things will get you ripped abs.  👉 First, you must be lean enough to see them. 👉 Second, you need abs developed enough

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Does Creatine Cause Hair Loss?

Does Creatine Cause Hair Loss?

I’m no fan of supplements. I despise the sleaze of the supplement industry. However, as I said in my supplements for fat loss and muscle growth guide, of all those claiming to improve performance out there, creatine is one of only two with vast amounts of research showing benefits. But,

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The Problem With Keto

Keto is trendy right now, in a way that the paleo diet was a few years ago, and many other diets before it. The problem is that when something trends, the algorithm’s reward extreme claims. The loudest voices rise to the top, muddying the waters for all…

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Updated Bulking Guidelines

I’ve made changes to the rates I recommend people aim to gain weight at when bulking. This was sparked when I received a comment from a reader last week on the Calorie and Macro Calculator, asking why the calculations there did not match what I have in my How To Bulk Without

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The Game Changers Debunked — Netflix Puts Views Over Facts, Again

‘The Game Changers’ documentary is little more than a cleverly-disguised attempt to scare people into being vegan with false health and performance claims. Netflix benefits their view count from the outrage; the backers (James Cameron, among them) benefit financially from their vegan product investments. There are plenty of legitimate reasons

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The RippedBody Macro Calculator


This calculator is built on the back of 9 years of experience coaching people online, full time. They’re based on the recommendations in my book, The Muscle and Strength Nutrition Pyramid, which is a 290-page, fully-referenced guide for powerlifters and physique athletes. But if you think you wondering whether the…


Can I Gain Strength While Cutting?

It is absolutely possible to gain strength while cutting. However, in this article, I argue that focusing on strength alone can lead to poor training decisions, I explain why true progress becomes increasingly difficult the leaner we get, and I give guidelines on what to expect. Dieting, cutting, shredding the

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Hypertrophy Researcher, Dr. Brad Schoenfeld, Answers Your Questions

Dr. Brad Schoenfeld is a prolific research machine and an absolute asset to the lifting community.  I’m ecstatic to have been able to steal an hour of his time to have him answer reader questions. The key topics we covered are considerations for older lifters, hypertrophy mechanisms, training splits, the value of mind-muscle connection, and how to tell if you…

Hypertrophy Researcher, Dr. Brad Schoenfeld, Answers Your Questions Read More »

Chad Landers on Becoming One of LA’s Top Celebrity Trainers

Welcome to this frank conversation with writer, speaker, strength and conditioning specialist, power lifter, and the owner of Push Private Fitness in LA, Chad Landers. Chad has been a ‘legit’ trainer to rock stars and Hollywood actors for over 24 years and throughout this interview you’ll find simple, actionable, no-nonsense advice, which…

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Martin MacDonald on Calling Out Fitness Industry Charlatans

On this episode of the Rippedbody Podcast, I interview one of Britain’s most well-known sports nutritionists, Martin MacDonald. We discuss Martin’s beginnings in the industry, including his early “lucky break” that catapulted him into sports nutrition superstardom, becoming one of the countries most popular celebrity trainers, and now the owner and…

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Alan Aragon on Turning His Career Failures into Success

On this episode of the Rippedbody Podcast, I interview sports nutritionist, researcher extraordinaire, educator, and one of the most influential figures in the fitness industry’s movement towards evidence-based information, Alan Aragon. Alan shares the inspiring story of his career journey to date, starting off the “wrong foot”, his feelings about…

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James Krieger on the Issues of Tracking Body Fat Percentage

On this episode of the Rippedbody Podcast, I interview James Krieger. James is a published scientist, author, speaker, fitness competitor, statistical wizard and the mind behind the immensely popular blog and membership site, Weightology.net. We discuss the different methods available for tracking body fat percentage [06:15], the two-component model used by…

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The Intermediate Powerlifting Program from The Muscle and Strength Pyramid books

The Intermediate Powerlifting Program

This is a sample powerlifting program from our Muscle and Strength Pyramid training book. The explanation section there is fairly detailed, so I have cut it down to give just the overview, relevant notation, and exercise selection explanations. This, along with the Intermediate Bodybuilding Sample Program and Detailed Guide to Training Progression…

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