Book Samples

Sample sections from our nutrition and training theory books for powerlifters and physique athletes, The Muscle and Strength Pyramids.
The Intermediate Powerlifting Program from The Muscle and Strength Pyramid books

The Intermediate Powerlifting Program

This is a sample powerlifting program from our Muscle and Strength Pyramid training book. The explanation section there is fairly detailed, so I have cut it down to give just the overview, relevant notation, and exercise selection explanations. This, along with the Intermediate Bodybuilding Sample Program and Detailed Guide to Training Progression…

The Intermediate Powerlifting Program Read More »
How To Progress Training Loads — Rules for Novice and Intermediate Trainees

Linear Progression and Linear Periodization
Rules For Novice and Intermediate Trainees

What follows are the exact initial guidelines on training progression that I give to clients. They are an abbreviated version of the guidelines in The Muscle and Strength Training Pyramid book that I co-authored with Eric Helms and Andrea Valdez. They are exceptionally logical and structured, the antithesis to the approach of…

Linear Progression and Linear PeriodizationRules For Novice and Intermediate Trainees Read More »
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