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February 5, 2025 23:26

I started using the height chart to set my protein as I was overweight (5’5”, 182lb in December 2024) and am now 167. I had been using the lowest activity factor, so I’m a bit ahead of where I need to be and have upped to 1.375 or “lightly active” as workouts were starting to suck.

My question is though, how do you know when to switch from the height chart to a specific g/lb for protein intake? Should I be basing it off of whether I’m “overweight” BMI-wise, or keep running my 135g (since I’m 5’5”) until strength starts to stall?

October 16, 2024 00:19

I am Male 20-years old, 185cm/65kg, should i do body recomp or lean bulk because i have no muscle currently and im literally first time stepping in the gym so im beginner. Thanks for the answer in advance :).

October 16, 2024 16:43
Reply to  Andy Morgan

Thanks for the advice 🙂

August 16, 2024 12:24

Hi Andy! Firstly, thank you for creating such an excellent resource! Secondly, does cardio count as a training day? I am currently doing 3 days a week cardio and 3 days of lifting. Should I cycle my calories and macros or just treat cardio days as training days and aim for those numbers? Thanks in advance!

August 4, 2024 21:53

Hey Andy,

On my training days I’m training fasted in the morning, do the 2 protein shakes (60g total) count towards my protein macro for the day or should I count it separately?


Ana Fava
Ana Fava
May 18, 2024 21:38

Hi Andy, your website really solved many of my doubts and I am one of those people that are looking for many ways to lose weight and can’t. I do exercise and weight training 4x a week and still can not figure out my diet well… I have spent money with protein shakes, nutritionists and It comes down the problem is me. When you talked about fasting which it seems the best option for me it made me feel at home…if I eat in the morning and follow my nutrition plan I feel more hungry.
Thanks a lot for all your dedication to helping us along this hard path. I will follow your guidelines.

March 30, 2024 16:12

Hi Andy, I have been following the calorie calculation and macros ( especially protein) lifting 3 times a week, trying have min 10,000 steps everyday, It’s been 3 weeks and I only managed to lose 1.3kg, my waist shrunk 3cm, I feel comparing the effort I put, the loss is not enough, what do I need to do ?

March 3, 2024 01:38

1 hi Andy, I would like to ask for your opinion, I am a woman 48 kg, 150 cm, following a vegan diet, I would like to do a bit of body recomposition, currently I am about 25% of Body fat and probably about 20% of muscle, I do weight training four times per week 30 minutes, and two short sessions of cardio per week. I would like to drop to 20% of fat and gain more muscle, I am not really thinking about weight. Since I am a vegan, I am aiming for 2 g of protein per day, would you really recommend a woman in my position who is in perimenopause, to follow body, composition macro nutrients recommendations from your website or more the recommendations for cutting. Thanks!

January 26, 2024 14:01

Hi Andy
I have been following your website as well as your newsletters for a long time.
I was wondering if you can help me with a question.
I went through a weight loss journey for some months where I lost about 35 KG by following a keto diet.

After I was done, I started working out switching my goal to building muscle and got back to carbs. Now the problem is that because I got used to such low carb intake I find it very hard to eat enough. I can meet my protein goal without issues, but I find it hard to eat the carbs recommended by your calculator. I would rather eat 70-100 instead of 230+ carbs and just fill the rest of calories with healthy fats. Do you find it ok?

Alex Liagouris
Alex Liagouris
January 25, 2024 04:52

Hey Andy, I have a question about attaining the fat levels the macro calculator is requiring. I typically eat pretty clean, so there’s not a ton of fat in my diet, and the calculator is listing 60g of fat. I’m going to start bulking so the breakdown is 2,164 calories, 147g P, 60g F , 259g C. If I get 540 calories from fats, I find that I will struggle meeting the protein and carb macros, and still hit those calorie numbers without going way over. If I’m eating 16 oz of chicken, it only has 14.4g of fat. So, I’m having some trouble getting the fat macros and the carbs/protein macros to lineup. Should I take something like an MCT to supplement my fat intake? Does the fat matter that much?

Alex Liagouris
Alex Liagouris
January 27, 2024 04:33
Reply to  Andy Morgan

Hey Andy thanks for the response. I don’t mind bland food, drives my wife nuts, she gets mad at my willpower? to not care about having the tastiest food on my plate. I eat veggies raw with no dip, rice with just a little salt, plain fried up egg whites, those types of things. However based on your reply, and for health reasons I’ll start taking the omega 3’s and work to add some fattier foods. I appreciate the work you do, thanks,

Prashant Khot
Prashant Khot
November 17, 2023 15:21

I have been training for 2 -3 years Can I do body recomposition?

November 2, 2023 02:48

I tend to weightlift four times a week and run two times a week, I work fast food but follow my macros religiously not eating the burgers and items they serve. I was wondering if I average 14,000 steps daily, what activity level that would be. I’ve searched forums and the sorts for an answer but have had absolutely no luck finding an answer.

October 29, 2023 00:04

Hi there. Since I work 5 days a week and I am a worker in a factory, I don’t have static work. Usually in 8 h of work I do approximately 16.000 steps so I end up at 20.000-22.000 steps 5 days in a week. ( I kept my watch in my pocket to test it l I’m not allowed to use it during work ). What activity level should I choose? The days I don’t work I end up making much less movement, except training days. Thank you.

October 30, 2023 21:02
Reply to  Andy Morgan

Thank you!!!!!

October 20, 2023 17:24

Hi Andy, I’m a 39 year old female, 161cm, between 53kg and 54kg. My body fat is 23%. My goal is to have a well defined ab and triceps. I want my tricpes at a level where I can’t flab em’ around or grab anything when I’m not flexing. As for my abs, I’d like it if I can’t grab any fat when I’m sitting down. I do a full body weight training workout three times a week and the remaining days, I go boxing to get some cardio and strength training in.

When you mention “rest days,” would the days I go boxing count as a rest day since, it’s not “weight training?”

Additionally, if my goal is to have a more well defined body composition, should I select “cutting phase” or “recomp?”

October 21, 2023 10:54
Reply to  Andy Morgan

Thanks for your reply. I’m trying to use your macro calculator and although, I’m an office worker, as I mentioned I box on my resting days and it’s an intensive one hr. workout. Would this be considered lightly active +weight training?

October 22, 2023 13:41
Reply to  Andy Morgan

OK will do! Another question I had was on the weekends, my friends and I go out and eat and I tend to pig out and sort of forget about my macros. Let’s say the following day is training day, should my macros be of training day and go low on carbs since I pigged out the day before or go according to the metrics provided for training day?

July 5, 2023 23:43

Hi Andy, this may sound like a dumb question but when you refer to rest days, is this a rest from weight lifting whilst still getting steps in or a complete rest day. I’m assuming the first but want to double check.

April 17, 2023 23:44

Hi Andy. I am a 45-year-old man, 5’10” 166 lbs. I have begun strength training 5 days per week (focusing on specific muscle groups daily) with no cardio during the week. My body fat percentage is roughly 23%. Saturday or Sunday I do a 12-mile bike ride on a single-speed BMX bike to make it more difficult. My goal is body recomposition (my ideal physique would be 165 lbs with a body fat of 12-18%). Question: What should my macros be to accomplish this goal from your professional opinion? I would be grateful for your insight and thank you in advance. David- 

April 11, 2023 07:01

I'm struggling to figure out my activity level. I do a crossfit style workout 4 times a week (usually burn around 400-500cal a session). My day to day tasks change a lot. My job sometimes requires me to stand a lot, but often I am sitting at a desk. I also have property, so in the summer for example, I might spend an additional 6-10 hours doing gardening, wheelbarrowing, lifting heavy things. In the winter, though I maybe spend an extra 2-3 hours a week going for walks or not being sedentary in some regard.

Nathalie Ona
Nathalie Ona
February 28, 2023 13:24

Hi Andy! What’s the most accurate method/device to measure body fat/ lean mass? Also, the calculator said my intake should be 1,700. Should that be net? For example, I worked out and burned 400 active kcals, that means that should be accounted for right? Or should my calorie intake be 1,700 regardless of activity?

February 16, 2023 03:38

Hi Andy,
One question I have is how you define "obese" for your protein intake calculation. Is that based off of BMI? Thanks!

February 6, 2023 07:46

Hi Andy,
Do you have any before and after photos of women?

February 1, 2023 14:36

Hello! Thankyou so much for your super usefull calculator! I’m asian, 158cm (5’18ft), 52kg (114.64lb), 25% body fat.
I’ve been doing weightlifting 3times/week @1.5hours, and used to eat 1.200kcals / day

I’ve been doing this for 8 months maybe but not much changes. Only 1pound down, 3% body fat down, and 1.5% muscle up

I dont know my mistake 😭😭 i always eat my protein 1.5 – 2g / kg. I also get enough sleep, and i have a sedentary activity.
Whats wrong with me??