What follows are the exact initial guidelines on training progression that I give to clients. They are an abbreviated version of the guidelines in The Muscle and Strength Training Pyramid book that I co-authored with Eric Helms and Andrea Valdez.
They are exceptionally logical and structured, the antithesis of just hitting the gym, smashing some weights and hoping for progress. They will stop you from wrecking your joints when starting out by increasing the weight you lift too quickly, and they will help prevent you from stalling for months on end, often without you realizing it.
If you put the effort to read, understand, and implement these instructions they are going to pay off for you big time. I will be waiting in Tokyo for you to buy me an overpriced craft beer as a thank you.
Linear Progression: When You Are Able To Make Load Increases Session To Session
The following linear progression rules work well for exercises you are able to make incremental progressions in weight session to session with.
In the book, we call this “novice progression,” but it would be a mistake to skip this section just because of the title.
This is not about how long you have been lifting, or how much you can lift. My friend Greg Nuckols took his deadlift and squat to over 500 lbs before he needed to use some form of non-linear progression (periodization) as you will when you get to the “intermediate progression” rules, and yet no-one would look at those lifting stats and call him a novice. Admittedly, he is a genetic freak and was born to lift, but the point is that I want you to separate your ego from the name of each of the progression rules.
Novice progression is faster than intermediate progression, so use these rules while you can.
You will progress more quickly with some exercises than others. You may have more experience with some exercises already than others. You may have taken some time off from performing an exercise which means you would benefit from changing your progression style from “intermediate” to the novice style temporarily. Therefore, for some exercises in your program you may use novice progression rules, but for others, you may need to use intermediate progression rules.
How To Choose The Weight You Initially Lift
If you are new to a lift or returning to a lift after some time off, on the first workout just choose a weight where you feel comfortable performing all the sets and reps listed, with that same weight. You don’t want to be pushing to a maximum here because you will be learning (or relearning) the movement.
If you see, Squat 2×8, listed in your program for example, then choose a weight you feel comfortable performing 8 reps for, for two sets.
Sometimes you may see exercise listed like this, Squat 2×8 (~70% 1RM). This means perform 2 sets of 8 reps, using a weight that is approximately equivalent to 70% of your one rep maximum (1RM) for the first workout. Now, it’s important to note that this is just a guideline to help you choose a weight. If you are new to an exercise you will just have to guess at the initial weight you use because you won’t know your 1RM, and it doesn’t make any sense to test for it at this stage because you will get better quickly with practice.
For those that have experience with a lift but don’t know their 1RM, it’s possible to use a 1RM calculator. Just plug in the number of reps and the weight you can lift it for and it will tell you your estimated 1RM. You can then take a percentage of that number to set the weight you will lift with.
For example, if you know the maximum you can squat for a single set of 5 reps is 200 (5RM), and your program lists, Squat 2×8 (~70% 1RM) on the one day, and Squat 3×4 (~85% 1RM), on the other, you have two options for choosing a starting weight:
- Guess how much you can lift for 2 sets of 8 reps, and 3 sets of 4 reps. Your guess might be 150 lbs on the first day and 180 lbs on the other day.
- Plug those numbers into my beautiful 1RM calculator and find that your estimated 1RM, then just calculate 70% and 85% of that respectively. Using the calculator for a 5RM of 200 lbs gives us an estimated 1RM of 225 lbs, so from that you can get your starting weight for the first day of 157.5 lbs (225*0.7) and second day ~190 lbs (225*0.85).
Either option is fine, the calculation method is just an estimation anyway and you are only doing this for the first workout.
How To Use Linear Progression After The First Session
After the first session, just add weight in steady increments each time. (This is where ‘linear’ in linear progression comes from.)
For the heavy full and lower body compound movements (e.g., squats and deadlifts) I’d suggest you increase 10 lbs each session initially, assuming you can do so with good form. For other exercises that work less overall musculature, (e.g., the bench press, overhead presses, rows, and any isolation exercises) you’ll want to progress in 5 lb or 2.5 lb increments.
There will be a point where linear progression slows down and it is not possible to make increases session to session. If you have microplates (1 lb, 0.5 lb) you can use those to keep increasing the weight each session. If you don’t have access to these (as with most gyms) just increase the weight every other session, focusing on the feeling of it being easier in that second session. Meaning, use the same weight, sets, and reps, but there will be a lower rating of perceived exertion (RPE). More on RPE later.
Here is an example of how someone would progress with this system. I’ve chosen 5×5 just to keep the numbers simple.

This is just an example of how to use linear progression, and obviously, you will want to adjust according to how you progress, but pay attention to the following points:
- The load is increased linearly using the same rep range. This is called “single progression” (of load). Note that by increasing the load, the volume is also increased.
- When the target repetitions cannot be completed, the load is maintained for the next session, and the repetition targets are attempted again.
- Reduce the load by 10% if you fail to achieve your target reps in two consecutive workouts. The next workout, return to the weight you were unable to complete the target repetitions with and you will more than likely succeed. This is a very simple method of “deloading.” This is a strategy that allows built-up fatigue from weeks of training to dissipate, which in turn lets us continue progressing. There is no need to set this at specific time intervals for novice progression, but it will become necessary for intermediate progression.
If your progress starts to stall after implementing the deload as described above without a return to progress afterward (assuming sleep, nutrition, etc. are in check), it will be time to consider changing from linear progression to the intermediate progression models.
Using RPE With Linear Progression
You’ll see that I have numbers and “RPE” noted next to the exercises in your training plan.
RPE is a useful method of measuring intensity when lifting called Reps In Reserve (RIR) based on Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE). This was popularized and developed by powerlifting coach Michael Tuchscherer and has been researched by Dr. Mike Zourdos and my co-author on The Muscle and Strength Training Pyramid, Eric Helms.
RPE when using this scale is based on how close to failure you get at the conclusion of each set. You simply do your sets and choose how close to failure you wish to get. A 10 RPE would be at failure (or rather, no additional load or reps could have been performed), a 9 RPE would be one rep left, an 8RPE would be two. Have a look at the table:

Sometimes we may use an RPE target to prescribe load on its own (e.g. Seated Cable Rows 3×5 @8-9 RPE), or used in combination with a %1RM (e.g. Squat 3×8 @6-7 RPE, 67.5-72.5% 1RM). This is useful because sometimes when you are in a fatigued state, you may under perform, and by doing this I am able to tell you how much stress you should be experiencing, versus what is being prescribed.
For example, let’s say your performance was slightly suppressed due to residual fatigue, but you had 5 reps at 85% of 1RM programmed. Feeling great, you might finish this set with 1 RIR (a 9 RPE). However, in a fatigued state, this might end up being to failure or you might even miss the final rep. To avoid this, I’ll prescribe not only a percentage of 1RM target but also an RPE rating so that you can adjust the load as needed to match the intended stress.
So, if one day you have Squat 3×8 @6-7 RPE (67.5-72.5% 1RM) programmed for example, but the weight feels heavier than usual today, and though you can get your target of 8 reps, you feel that you could only have performed one more rep (which would be an RPE of 9, not 6-7), then you’ll reduce the weight you lift for the next set to around the level where you will hit your RPE target. You’ll then finish any subsequent sets using that weight.
Note: Subsequent sets will be more difficult as you fatigue so use the lower end of the RPE rating for the first set. Also, bear in mind that on some days the latter sets can be disproportionately hard, and for that reason, we don’t want to go more than 2 RPE points higher than the starting setting. So, if your initial RPE setting is 7, then don’t perform any sets over an RPE of 9. If you do then stop your set, and if you have another set to perform, choose a lower weight so that you can hit the target number of reps.
This system works best when you have training experience with a lift. So for any exercises in your plan that are new to you, just bear in mind that you will get better at using this system over time with them.
[For a fuller explanation of RPE and how to implement it in your training programs check out this free email course Eric Helms and I put together.]
I Recommend You Avoid Training To Failure With This Style Of Linear Progression
As it is related to RPE, I’ll include some notes here on training to failure.
Training to failure is something I was a fan of for years, but have moved further and further away from as I’ve gained more experience as a coach.
“Failure” has two common meanings:
- Where there is a breakdown in form during a rep but maybe an additional repetition could be performed with poor form (“form failure”), and
- Where the weight can no longer be physically moved (“mechanical failure”).
In general, we don’t want to perform the big, multi-joint compound lifts to mechanical failure (squat variations, deadlift, overhead press, etc.) as the risk of injury when form breaks down is too high. Even performing these lifts to form failure on a regular basis is a bad idea for the same reasons and because the systemic fatigue generated is also very high (which can limit your ability to perform for the rest of the session). That said, it is much safer to train to failure with isolation exercises that don’t require full body efforts such as bicep curls, leg extensions, or even some machine compound movements like rows, pulldowns or perhaps the leg press.
You may be thinking at this point, “Why would I ever not want to go to failure? Doesn’t failure increase the amount of muscle activation I get and ensure that I have trained the fiber completely?” Those things are true for the most part, however, that’s looking at each exercise in isolation, rather than the big picture.
If you were to do 3 sets of bench with your 5 RM load, and on your first set you maxed out and went to failure, you would probably drop down to 3 and then possibly 2 reps on your next two sets depending on your rest interval. This will be 10 reps total. However, if you were to stop and just do 4 reps on the first set, you may be able to maintain 4 reps for all 3 sets. This will be 12 reps total.
In this way, it’s easy to see that we can hurt the amount of volume that we can do by going to failure too frequently. Thinking even bigger picture, going past just the single exercise, and thinking about subsequent training sessions, there are further negative implications of training to failure all the time.
As volume is a key driver of training progress, and training to failure can hurt the amount of volume we can perform, I do not want you to go to failure with any sets unless instructed.
Intermediate Progression: When Linear Progression No Longer Works
When linear progression no longer works, it is time to use “intermediate progression.”
Intermediate progression refers to either “linear periodization” or “double progression.” The former is better suited to compound movements, the latter for isolation movements. We will have a deload every 4th week for both.
With novice progression, a simple 10% reduction in weight was all that was necessary to deload, and you did this whenever additional weight could not be added. Managing fatigue is a little more complex however for the intermediate trainee (which is probably best defined as someone who needs to use intermediate progression techniques for the majority of their lifts).
You will have lift-specific, periodical deloads built into the progression pattern every four weeks. This allows residual fatigue dissipate before it can build to a point where it hampers performance and prevents you from progressing with the workout plan as intended. It will also reduce the risk of injury by allowing your connective tissues to recover. You must resist the temptation to not deload.
Occasionally, we will have a full deload week where I will instruct you to reduce volume (and sometimes intensity) for all exercises. I will typically do this at times where life or work stresses are high and I feel you could use a break. I may also suggest one when progress just seem a little off with expectation and I think you could benefit from one. For exercises with 2-3 sets, I want you to reduce the set number by one. For exercises with 4+ sets, reduce the set number by two. If I want you to reduce the intensity also I will give a percentage I wish you to reduce the loads lifted by, typically, 10%.
Linear Periodization Rules: Progression For Compound Movements
Let’s say that you have Bench Press 3×6-8, 70-75% 1RM listed in your training program.
- Choose a weight where you can complete 3 sets of 8, without needing a spot and rarely hitting failure on the last set (RPE no higher than 9.5 on last set and typically lower). If you unsure of what weight that might be, use the percentage of 1RM listed to guide you. So, if you can lift 200 lbs, choose 70% of that to start with, so 140 lbs.
- For each successive workout, increase the load by 5 lbs and reduce the number of reps for each set by one.
- The 4th workout is a deload day where you intentionally reduce both the load and reps.
- On the 5th workout, get back to 3×8 and increase the load to slightly more than what you used the prior time you used 8 repetitions.
Here is how that looks in a table:

You can see that load, reps and volume will fluctuate workout to workout, but the load being used will increase every four weeks. This is called “linear periodization,” meaning that intensity goes up as volume goes down. It is a wave loading intermediate progression because the volume increases every fourth week.

For the 3-5, 4-6, 5-7, and 6-8 rep ranges, drop the rep target by 1 rep each week with only a 5-10 lb (2.5-5 kg) increase in load week to week.
For the higher rep ranges of 8-12, reduce the rep target by 2 rather than 1 each week. So for example, if you see Incline Press 3×8-12 listed you would do a week of 12’s, then 10’s, and then 8’s, while increasing the load 5-10 lbs each week. (In most cases I’d recommend 5 lbs.)
Double Progression Rules: Progression For Isolation Movements
For isolation exercises, it is not realistic to increase load as quickly. Imagine trying to add 5 lbs to your dumbbell bicep curl every fifth week – it is simply an unrealistic amount of progress. That would be an increase 10 times every year, requiring an addition of 50 lbs (~22 kg) to your bicep curl each year when most people can’t even dumbbell curl 50 lbs for one rep strict. Think about it in relative terms. If your max squat is 355 lbs (~160 kg), a 5 lb increase is an increase of about 1.5%. if your max dumbbell curl is 50 lbs a 5 lb increase is an increase of 10%. So that same 5 lb increase is over six times more of an increase for a curl than a squat. Therefore, we need another approach for isolation exercises.
The approach that I’d suggest we use is to add reps week by week, instead of increasing load. This is almost a reverse linear approach, where we are adding volume before increasing intensity, rather than adding intensity while decreasing volume. This is called double progression – we don’t progress the second variable until we progress the first; we don’t progress load before we progress repetitions.
Let’s say that you have Bicep Curl 3×12-15 @7-8 RPE listed in your training program.
- Choose a load where you feel you can get pretty close to 15 reps for 3 sets (but not quite). (Note that we won’t set load based on a percentage of 1RM for isolation movements as it doesn’t work very well.)
- Add reps each week, trying to get to the goal of 3×15. Take as many sessions as you need to achieve this. Avoid hitting failure until the last set, or you’ll sabotage your next sets.
- Take the 4th week as a light week (a deload week). Regardless of what happens in the week prior to the deload, in the deload week go to the bottom of the rep range and just do two sets (12, 12).
- After the deload you will hopefully come back, find yourself recovered and improve performance (in the example we get 15, 15, 14). Then in the next week, we get 15, 15, 15.
- Thus in the next session, we increase the load, once again working back towards 3×15.

This is an example of how you as an intermediate trainee can still make pretty visible linear progress on a more or less week to week basis. (As a side note, if adding reps is too difficult in a narrow rep range such as 8-12 or 12-15, you can widen the rep range to allow slower progression, i.e., 8-15.)
Linear Progression and Linear Periodization FAQ
Linear progression is the fastest way to make progress and should last as long as you can continue to progress using it.
You should stop using linear progression when you can no longer continue to add load for two sessions in a row, despite taking a deload of 10% to dump fatigue. This advice assumes that you are sleeping well, eating well, and keeping stress low.
Here is an example of linear progression with deloads:
Once you can no longer progress, use linear periodization as instructed in that section.
Linear strength describes adding weight to the barbell each session. It is more commonly known as linear progression.
Linear training, similar to “linear strength,” describes adding the same amount of incremental weight to the load lifted each session. It is more commonly known as linear progression.
The line between “compound movement” and “isolation movement” can be a little blurry. Furthermore, for some exercises that are technically compound movements, the isolation movement progression rules can be better suited as they will allow you to progress between the jumps in weight.
The dumbbell overhead press is one such exercise that immediately comes to mind. You may be able to progress using the compound movement progression rules for only a short while before the jump to the next set of dumbbells (which is usually in 5 lb increments) becomes too great. At this point, you want to move to using the isolation progression rules.
In terms of progression speed: Linear progression > linear periodization > double progression > advanced periodization techniques.
For all exercises, choose the one furthest to the left of the continuum that you can actually progress with. This is the way you’ll progress fastest. When you can’t do the one, you move onto the next.
Yes. Whatever lift you can do novice progression for, do so, as you’ll progress fastest.
I’d assume it’s just a bad workout in that case and continue with the progression next week. Also, consider checking out these two articles:
• How to Break Training Plateaus
• What is Realistic Progress While Cutting?
This is for people who have gained 80–90% of their genetic potential in terms of strength and/or hypertrophy and are seeking to get the remaining 10–20%. This can get complicated and beyond the scope of this article. If you enjoyed this though, I think you’ll get a lot out of the book.

If you have found this helpful, you might be pleased to know it is just a small section taken from our Muscle and Strength Training Pyramid book. The second edition, along with the Nutrition companion book, was released this January 3rd, 2019.
Join 100,000 other readers, and get your copies here.
Thank you for reading. Questions welcomed in the comments.
– Andy
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Hello Andy, another question came to my mind. Might be a dumb question but how does double progression look like if it more than 3 sets. For example, seated calf raises, 5 sets of 12-15. Do I keep the reps at 12 for the last 2 sets then try to get those up before progressing any further? Something like this 14,13,12,12 the next week 14,13,13,12 then 14,13,13,13 and so forth.
Hi Joe,
Yes, that works!
Hi Andy, great article!
Is my understanding correct? Let’s say I did this in the past 6 months:
Now I am thinking, after 6 months, what should I do next:
Would it be good idea to continue like this:
Hi Mil, great job so far.
Here’s how to troubleshoot training plateaus.
Just want to say this was very well explained, thank you !
Thank you. Glad you found it helpful, Julian.
Hi Andy. For Linear Periodization is it more important to change the weight in consistent predictable sizes from week to week like shown in the graph or should I just hyper focus on meeting the RPE targets, regardless of if that means less predictable weight changes?
Many Thanks and apologies if this has been answered before.
Hi Elliott,
RPE comes first.
Hi Andy, if I’m doing 3 sets of back squats at reps of 12, 15, 15 and can’t lift the first set for more than 8 reps but can complete the last 2 sets of rep ranges of 15…would it be best to continue increasing the weight of the last 2 sets or avoid hitting failure until the last sets by just lowering the 1st set weight?
I feel it’s important to mention that sets 2 & 3 have an increased 20% cumalative reduction in weight from the first set.
Thank you.
Hi Nicholas, you’re describing reverse pyramid training. As you’ll see in that article, I’d recommend doing what I have in this article instead.
If you struggle to do straight sets (the same load for each set), finding the first set considerably harder despite being the same load as the latter sets you may need to warm up better.
Hi Andy,
Have just finished reading your (excellent) Muscle and Strength Pyramid books.
Seems to be a consistent message that volume will increase over a training career to maintain progress, and that too much volume can result in plateaued/suboptimal gains. Imagine a case where a minimum X volume 2-3 years into training will provide you with 90%+ of your maximum hypertrophy gains at that time. Say you exceed X by 50%, does your body adapt to this increased volume and thus end up needing to increase further and further from that point to continue gaining? Or is it purely a function of your size relative to genetic potential at any one time?
Cheers, Hank
Hi Hank, I’m glad you enjoyed the books.
No/yes. Thank you for the question!
Hi Andy, Thanks this is really good. I’m also liking the new Intermediate 4 day training program and doing the updated 7 email course again. Any thoughts on a deload or decreasing when leading into cardio event such as a half marathon. In the past I didn’t worry about it and then in the last year stopped weight sessions a few days out from the event but now I’m giving it a lighter week or a week off. Thanks!
Hi Drew,
Most welcome. I’m glad it’s useful.
“…and then in the last year stopped weight sessions a few days out from the event, but now I’m giving it a lighter week or a week off. Thanks!”
When I ran the Honolulu Marathon last year, I didn’t train my legs the week prior. Of the options you have presented, I doubt you’ll see a difference. Pick one you feel most comfortable with the idea of.
Great thanks Andy. Might leave the legs and have a lighter upper body the week prior.
Makes sense to me. Best of luck, Drew!
Hi Andy! Which type of progression do you think would be best if I mainly want to increase the weight in my pull-ups? I was thinking about double progression in the 4-6 and 6-8 ranges, increasing the weight only when I reach the upper range in all series, but I don’t know if it will be the best choice, what do you think?
Hi Radoslav,
See “Which progression system should I choose for exercise X?” in the FAQ.
I have a question on Double Progression rule.
When doing dumbbells and single leg, which is better linear or double progression?
Hi Peter, see “Which progression system should I choose for exercise X?” in the Q&A.
Got it.
Thanks for the article!
What’s your opinion on dynamic double progression? I’ve read it’s superior to standard straight sets double progression. Do you think it could be as effective as linear periodization?
I’ve seen it described in two ways:
When you reach the top end of the rep range, and all the remaining set reps are within the range, you increase the weight.
When the first set reaches the top end of the rep range, you increase the weight on that individual set. The same goes for subsequent sets, tracking and progressing each set individually.
Appreciate your input!
Hi Alex, thank you for the question.
I think this gives the appearance of being superior, more than actually making much of a difference.
1) It’s a little more complicated, and people love to complicate.
2) It allows for the next load to be selected a little faster, and people are impatient.
I’m a fan of simplicity.
Hi Andy,
Great article thank you!
For double progression, is there a way to incorporate this in a way similar to linear periodization to where you’re decreasing your total volume week over week for several weeks before increasing it again?
I understand that the whole idea behind linear periodization is to help decrease systemic fatigue week over week so you can recover better and then be able to increase volume after several weeks so double progression’s constant (though small) volume increase week over week kind of defeats this purpose. Just seeing your thoughts as I can’t think of a way to do it.
Hi Pat, thank you for the question.
“I understand that the whole idea behind linear periodization is to help decrease systemic fatigue week over week so you can recover better…”
Not quite. In both linear periodization and double progression, the training stimulus ramps up over the weeks, just by different means. The purpose of the the deload after the hardest week is to give us a break, so we can deal with the accumulated fatigue. I recommend doing things as written.
Hi Andy,
That definitely makes sense thank you for the reply! Have a great New Years!
Most welcome, Pat. You too!
Hello there Andy,can I make progress every two or three weeks instead of four if I’m starting to use linear periodization? And by the same logic,can I make progress every five or six weeks instead of using more advanced methods once I’m pushing the limits of the intermediate stage?
Hi David,
That wouldn’t be my default suggestion but feel free to try and see.
How to continue to progress doing single leg exercises? In my program I have Reverse Lunges, Bulgarian Split Sq, and SLRDL with 3×8 and 3×10 @ 8 RPE. My right leg is more dominant then my left. Left leg shakes and struggles to even get to 5-6 reps.
How to correct the imbalance in strength? Should I drop the weights where I can complete the required reps for the weaker left leg and use same weights for both?
Thank you,
Hi Peter,
Imbalances are normal when you're new to an exercise. I don't recommend adding more sets for the weaker side or more load on the stronger side. Just wait until the weaker leg catches up.
Thank you.
What I understand is I should use the lowest load on the weaker leg that allows me to complete my required reps @8RPE and use that same load for the stronger leg.
Hi Andy, not sure if you've addressed this in previous comments. When using linear periodization (wave loading) for compound lifts, if reps are missed in subsequent weeks would you just remain at that step in the wave until all reps are completed or should other adjustments be made, such as switching to double progression? Quick example: week 1 @ 185x8x3, week 2 190x7x3, but in week 3 the lifter performs 195x6x2 and only gets 4 or 5 on set 3.
thanks for any response
Hi Kevin, thank you for the question.
Strength fluctuates. Some days we feel better than others. Thus, if you miss the planned progression in week 2, for example, I would continue with week 3 as if that didn't happen.
However, if you the planned progression a couple of times, that may signal that the load is too heavy right now. Consider lowering it a little and starting the progression cycle again.
If you still fail to progress, see our guide to troubleshooting training plateaus: https://rippedbody.com/training-plateaus/
I have a small home gym with limited weights, should I increase by set count when I have reached the max weight I have on my bar? This is about progression overall. I can’t get any more weights plates so only option is to considere more sets…..
Hi Ali, thanks for the question.
Sets with a light load, not taken to a high enough intensity of effort, will do little for growth.
Do more reps instead, to the point you are training equally close to failure. This will get increasingly harder as you get stronger and the reps you need to do rises, but you'll be fine up to 25-30. Past that point, you're training more endurance than strength, and you'll want to buy more weights.
Roger Wilco!
Hi Andy,
I am trying to make sense of the instruction given under "Using RPE with Linear Progression" whereby the trainee should lower the load for succeeding sets if RPE was too high in the first set vs the intended target. Wouldn't this qualify has having a performance drop off and therefore necessitate a deload? Or would this only be applicable for a program where RPE is specifically indicated vs one where it objective is just to hit the intended # of reps with a given load, ie 3×10? Are these 2 approaches distinctly different from each other? If so, when would you want to switch to RPE based Linear Progression vs the Basic Linear Progression?
Hi Jonathan, thank you for the question.
We have two seemingly competing instructions for linear progression:
1. Drop the loads on subsequent sets when the RPE is too high in the first set.
2. Take a deload when you stall (or fail to progress) for two sessions in sequence.
However, they aren't mutually exclusive.
1) Strength is not linear; it fluctuates. Some sessions, you'll come to the gym, and you'll be strong as shit, others, you'll feel off. This is normal.
However, if you ignore how you feel on the bad days and try to lift the next load in your planned progression regardless, you'll risk pushing yourself too hard, possibly getting injured. Using RPE helps us to account for these strength fluctuations and match the loads we lift to how we feel.
2) Strength fluctuations aside, overall strength will gradually increase over time. When it doesn't, that's when we deload.
Thanks for the clarification Andy. I'm currently on linear progression due to just returning to lifting again from a long layoff. I'm doing it as you described, straight sets and try to progress session to session by matching reps and increasing load when I hit the rep targets. However, in some compound lifts like incline DB bench and DB OHP, I've been sort of stuck at the same weights for a few sessions. There's some potential explanations for it other than actually stalling (i.e. there were times I didn't get enough sleep, was having a cold etc..), but I've been wondering if there would be a benefit to mixing light(er) and heavy days to potentially spur faster strength gains.
Right now I'm doing PPL 2x a week-ish. So let's say Chest is Mon-Thur. I'm doing 3×10 (I'm 39 y.o. and just felt that keeping it "lighter" at sets of 10 might be less risk for injury yet still be hypertrophic). My thought is instead of just sticking to 3×10 and increasing load when I hit my rep targets session to session, what if I do "Heavy bench" on Monday for 3×6, then "Lighter Bench" on Thursday for 3×10-12? I would then have separate linear progressions for each day, i.e. only increase the load on Mondays and Thursdays if I hit 6 and 10-12 reps respectively on those days. Could that potentially give me better strength gains overall? My main focus is still hypertrophy though.
Sure. You'll see that's exactly how we have things (heavier and lighter days mixed) in some of the sample programs.
Awesome, thanks! I used to do this in the past and seemed to gain strength a bit faster.
Hi Andy,
Although this article is a really thorough explanation, I guess I've missed some points …
1. As you strongly advocate against going to failure at least for compound exercises, how would the RPEs of table "Example novice progression using 5×5:" be?
If we look at that table's Training session 23 for example: The lifter did just 4 instead of 5 reps in 4th set, and just 3 instead of 5 reps in 5th set – at which RPEs did the lifter stop these 2 sets? And at which RPEs did he stop the first 3 sets?
Possibly stupid question: How do you know that linear progression ceases to work? When one has to deload "too frequently"?
Hi Thomas,
1) The RPE guidelines are for the first set. In the example, the lifter stopped at an RPE of 10 (one rep before failure).
2) When periodical deloading no longer allows for continued progress.
Following up Thomas's question on March 13:
If, for instance, the RPE setting is 6-7 for the first set in Workout 23 in the "Example novice progression using 5×5:", and the trainee is able to complete 5 reps in the first set, but with an RPE of 9 (due to trainee's residual fatigue from an earlier session), should the trainee continue the remaining sets at the same load? Or should he reduce his load for the remaining sets so that he meets an RPE of 6-7 in sets 2 through 5?
If he is to reduce his load, would this be considered an unplanned "deload?" (I realize I'm potentially inventing a nonsensical term, but just trying to make sure I understand all the nuances of this RPE-based rule).
Hi Jay, thank you for the question.
The latter. Though as the instruction is to stop the first set at an RPE of 6–7, the trainee should have stopped the first set after the second or third rep, not the fifth. They'd then reduce the load for the second set onward.
This is different from a formal deload. Strength fluctuates and this is just a way of matching readiness to the loads we lift on any given day.
Thanks for clarifying with the last answer! One last followup from the same example: would the trainee simply reattempt the original load from #23 on the subsequent workout and then continue week-to-week linear progression if possible?
Yes, exactly. Most welcome.
Hi Andy, I've recently finish reading the excellent TMSP strength book.
Since it's quite difficult to add weight in Compound non barbell exercises every session, what do you think of adding weight on these exercises every other session from the start instead waiting for them to stall.
BTW, I really hope there will more episodes of the rising coach collective.
Thanks in advance
Hi Alon, thank you for getting the book.
You could do this, but this may delay the stall, giving the illusion of better progress, because it's "planned." I would consider intermediate progression.
There will be no more episodes. We decided not to continue. Thank you for following along though!
Thank you for replying
So if I understand correctly,
as long as progress in weight occurs every session in non BB exercises they should keep it going? I'm not sure that's realistic for a novice or a complete beginner with good form, even when deloading appropriately.
Ex: DB Chest press w1 15kg w2 17.5 w3 20kg all at 10×3.
Just trying to make sure Im not wrong as i have clients at different levels of experience as a PT.
If you're referring to a complete beginner, then yes, while it may be possible in many cases to increase the load each session, it might be prudent not to do that, because they need more time to practice their form. This has to be your call as their PT.
Could i double progress on every exercise? I find easier to track and rnjoy more doing that way, even for compound movements
You can, but the rate of progression is slower.
Hi Andy. 2 questions from me:
Do we keep bulking calories the same in a reload week or drop to maintenance?
For double progression, having just started your programme properly, does it matter if we improve faster than the 1 rep from session to session?
Hi Nick, thank you for the questions.
1. Yes, keep the calories the same in a deload week.
2. I recommend one rep at a time. As you've just started properly, you may benefit from novice progression first.