What To Do Before You Start Counting Calories And Macros

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April 14, 2022 00:28

Hi Andy, l’ve just discovered your work and must say I’m absolutely hooked.
I can see how this would work for weight loss. Would you say tracking calories is necessary for a bulk without excess fat gain?

April 15, 2022 22:03
Reply to  Andy Morgan

Thanks Andy, l’ve counted calories on a cut but never on a bulk so l guess it’s time to dust of my scales.
Thanks again!

February 14, 2021 11:54

My biggest trick is, when meal planning, rather than sticking to the same 3-4 dinners that I know the exact macros for, just stick to a common pattern: a lean protein, some veg, and a starch. This helps me keep the variety; I cook Indian, Vietnamese, Mexican, and all other kinds of food at home, but the meals tend to have similar macro ratios because I pick recipes that fit that pattern. Getting bored with food is the easiest way to fall into making regrettable decisions, so keeping my diet fresh and diverse has been really helpful.

Leticia Arita
Leticia Arita
February 3, 2021 05:12

Hi Andy,
I have already been dieting for fat loss, since June, 2020. I’m not losing weight, and if I eat less calories I have cravings. Don’t know what to do.
I would try to hire you as a coach but I’m a girl. Do you have someone who could be my coach?

leticia arita
leticia arita
February 4, 2021 20:50
Reply to  Andy Morgan

Thank you very much Andy!🙏🏼

January 11, 2021 11:42

Switching to eating satiating vegetable matter by the kilo has been a game-changer in enabling me to meet my fat-loss goals. Unfortunately, I have recently begun to experience persistent, rumbling gastric distress and flatulence. Just wondering if you have any suggestions for consuming spinach/broccoli/Brussel sprouts/pumpkin/sweet potato/white potato with less methane. I understand cruciferous vegetables are a common culprit but potatoes hit me this way also. I am loath to switch to carrots and rice or the like, but the situation is getting intolerable (though mercifully the syndrome is odorless or close to it). Thanks, Andy.

January 12, 2021 06:43
Reply to  Andy Morgan

Thanks, Andy. I see now I have over-relied on fiber and liquids to get me through a tough cut with predictable downsides (nocturia being the other annoyance). I will need to experiment with other means to achieve satiety, which should be easier as I now have more calories to work with in this phase.

January 14, 2021 13:54
Reply to  Andy Morgan

Just one other small learning, Andy… in the intervening days I have reduced my broccoli intake only by about 20% (substituted mushrooms and tomatoes) and that seemed to remedy the issue by about 80%. It is as though in my case I had to hit a sweet spot but not go over. Great to be able to continue to benefit from the satiating and health-promoting qualities of these foods. Many thanks again for the guidance!

Melissa Wise
Melissa Wise
July 9, 2020 04:09

You’re 100% right about it being a hard pill to swallow. Right there in front of us what we need to do, but societal pressure and marketing ploys go out of their way to derail us. Thank you for keeping it honest.

May 31, 2020 09:03

Do you think these strategies can be implemented for those who have been counting macros for years and who are already lean? Or do you recommend being more precise when you’re on the leaner side to progress your physique further?

May 28, 2020 06:55

I love that you touched on the all or nothing mentality Andy. It’s easy to forget that nutrition is a skill and practice.

Scott Coven
Scott Coven
May 26, 2020 22:04

Hi Andy – great site! I have really enjoyed reading through the posts and the book. How long should I wait at this mark before making any further changes?

May 8, 2020 04:19

Hi Andy, truly appreciate your page and all the info you share. It’s one of the best knowledge pages I’ve come across on all platforms. I’ve been training for 10 yrs now and have recently due to stress conditions picked up smoking cigarettes. I do not like it but it releases anxiety and stress. Can you provide some knowledge and help that can assist me in giving this up as fitness has been the pillar of my life and I know smoking is really harmful for my health and body. Thank you.

Danny C.
Danny C.
February 19, 2020 07:10

Boom! Number 10, wow….

Do you set your savings on fire if you lose your wallet?

Man…that is an excellent analogy…that one hurts

You’re awesome man!

Haji C.
Haji C.
February 19, 2020 06:47

I love this man….. Thank you so much… Danke…. Gracia…. Shokran…..
The points 7.9.10 so great.. I love it

Nicholas D.
Nicholas D.
February 19, 2020 05:37

I believe that most people shouldn’t count calories exactly daily, but they would benefit tremendously from counting calories for a shorter period – learning what TDEE is, learning to identify foods that are calorie dense/give low satiety per calorie, and learning what a meal with a proper amount of calories is (especially breakfast and lunch it is very easy to stick to the right amount of calories by how much goes in the bowl, how many slices of bread, etc.)

Jake R.
Jake R.
February 19, 2020 04:49

Hi Andy,

So what happens when you cut your calories to a 1000 daily deficit so you can still “fit” in 500 calories of alcohol per day and still aim to lose a pound per week? You get too hungry, too tired and it’s unsustainable and then when you drink you are ravenous and overeat an entire large pizza? I’d guess yes…and your muscles don’t develop on those 500 calories of alcohol either…so if I answered my own question never mind haha.

– Jake

Chris F.
Chris F.
February 19, 2020 04:32

Hi Andy,

Great article as always. That first one really hit home for me. I struggle with drinking beer everytime I watch sports on tv. That’s at least 2 or 3 times a week. It took me from July 2019 to now to go from 198 lbs to 177 this morning. My goal is 170 so almost there but honestly I should have reached my goal a couple months ago.

The last couple months I have been better by drink sparkling water instead of beer and it sort of tricks my brain.

I always appreciate the information you provide to the fitness community.

Best regards,

February 29, 2020 01:36
Reply to  Chris F.

Number one is my nemesis as well, one thing that has really helped me was downloading an app to count my drinks and calories and setting limits at or below moderation per week. I drink a lot of sparkling water and feel much better now too…