What would you say is the number one thing that holds people back with their training?
I’d argue that it’s program hopping. We all know someone that does it – they start a new training routine with bounding enthusiasm, give it 2-3 weeks, then read some conflicting information elsewhere and decide that they need to switch things up. This programming ADHD – the search for the perfect training program – is the cause of the phenomenon of the perpetual beginner.
In the short-term, the difference between an effective and ineffective exercise program is simply whether it was followed long enough for it to produce a noticeable training effect -which nearly anything will for a beginner. This will last around 4-6 weeks.
For a program to be effective past this phase however it needs to follow the ‘Principle Of Progressive Overload’. If you feel you’ve been spinning your wheels down the gym lately, or want to check that your routine is capable of giving you the results that your efforts deserve, this may be the article that you need.
Should I Choose Program X or Y?
Mark Rippetoe is famous for recommending sets of 5, Jim Wendler for his 5/3/1 program, and Martin Berkhan for a double-progression ‘reverse-pyramid’ set-rep system. Who is more correct? – They’re all right. There are many different training programs that work and these coaches know this. The only reason they may appear dogmatic in their writing is that they know it can be counterproductive to allow people too many choices with their training.
- The most important thing for the beginner trainee is that you get on a good strength training program then stick to it.
- The most important thing for the intermediate and advanced trainee becomes not what program you follow (for you must have followed a good one or you wouldn’t be intermediate or advanced), but how you tweak it to follow this principle of progressive overload so that you keep advancing with your training.
I’m thrilled to have a guest post by S&C coach and widely respected researcher, Naoki Kawamori explaining the subject. The main points can be summarized as follows:
- Adaptation of the body to a progressively increasing load is essential.
- There are a variety of ways you can create overload to force adaptation.
- Continuing to workout with the same load is called ‘exercise’, not ‘training’.
The Principles of Progressive Overload
by Naoki Kawamori
There are various aims of performing resistance training such as muscular hypertrophy, increasing muscular strength and power, and reducing the risk of injury, etc. Whatever the aim, there are several “principles of training” that should be adhered to in order to perform resistance training effectively and efficiently.
Once you have made the decision to follow this ‘principle of progressive overload‘, your chances of making bad decisions when setting program variables such as exercises and the number of sets and reps are far lower. On the other hand, if you ignore the ‘principle of progressive overload‘ and decide to engage in flashy-looking training in pursuit of the latest craze, you are not as likely to achieve the desired effect.
In this article, I would like to explain this ‘principle of progressive overload’. First, the term ‘principle of progressive overload’ can be divided into the “principle of overload” and the “principle of progression” which can be considered separately.
The latter “principle of overload” tells you that it is necessary to stimulate the body with a stimulus (=overload) which exceeds the stimulus the body receives on a regular basis (and to which it is accustomed) in order to make the body adapt for your intended purpose (such as muscular hypertrophy, increasing muscular strength and power, etc.)
Let’s take a person performing 3 sets x 5 reps of 40kg squats three times per week. For this individual, 3 sets x 5 reps of 40kg squats three times per week is a stimulus their body receives on a regular basis; if they continue with this exact same routine, overload will never be applied to their body and they cannot expect any further training adaptation.
To create overload for this individual, it is necessary to increase one of the program variables (frequency, weight, sets, reps, etc.) If we increase the squat weight from 40kg to 45kg, for example, this weight of 45kg will provide a new stimulus for this individual (=overload) and their body will try to adapt to the change in environment, resulting in physiological adaptation such as muscular hypertrophy and increases in muscular strength and power, etc.
Notes on Overload and Adaptation
It is necessary to point out that there are a variety of ways of creating overload and the adaptation that is caused by each method differs. There are several methods to create an overload in resistance training such as:
- Increasing the weight lifted
- Increasing the number of reps per set
- Increasing the number of sets
- Shortening the rest time between sets
- Increasing the difficulty of the exercise
- Expanding the range of motion
- Increasing the frequency of training
There are also other methods of creating overload which are not mentioned here; they have been omitted as the purpose of this article is not to cover them all.
Once again, what I want to say here is that the type of physiological adaptation that will be caused will differ depending on the manner in which the program variables are manipulated and the type of overload that is created.
For example, increasing the number of reps per set is one method of creating overload, however, this method would not suit the training purpose of increasing maximal strength, for instance. Even if you started benching 40kg×5, added an extra rep each week, and reached 40kg×17 after three months, it is doubtful as to whether you would experience significant improvement in maximal strength (bench press 1RM). This is because muscular endurance, rather than maximal strength, is primarily trained through this method.
Of course, beginners could still expect a certain increase in maximal strength through this method, however, creating overload by increasing the weight lifted is much more efficient if your main objective is to increase maximal strength.
In short, while it is important to create an overload in accordance with the “principle of overload”, it is also necessary to pay attention to the type of overload that is created. This leads to a discussion of another training principle known as “the principle of specificity” which, if possible, I would like to leave for another time.
“Progression”: Continually increasing the load
When I refer to my dictionary to check the unfamiliar word “progressive” as it relates to the “principle of progression” (the first half of the ‘principle of progressive overload’), the definition of “proceeding step-by-step, little by little” is given. Applying this to training, it indicates that it is necessary to increase the training load little by little.
For example, if I increase my bench press weight from 40kg to 45kg in accordance with the “principle of overload”, physiological adaptation will occur as a result and my muscular strength will increase. However, if I continue to train with this weight of 45kg, I cannot expect further (continued) increases in muscular strength.
This is because training with a weight of 45kg, along with my increased muscular strength, will become routine and cease to be a stimulus that causes further adaptation (=overload). Therefore, if continued training adaptation is desired, it is necessary to increase the training load little by little (progressively) in line with increases in physical strength.
“Exercise” and “Training”
I sometimes see people at the gym performing the same exercises with the same weight and for the same number of reps each time.
I take a sideways glance while thinking “That guy has been doing the exact same thing for the past year. That’s amazing in a way.” However, this means that “progression” is missing in this individual’s training. Even if he persists with this training, he cannot expect significant improvements in muscular strength.
Still, this is all good if his goal is to simply come to the gym, enjoy exercising and raising a sweat and relax with a nice cold beer afterward.
What this guy is doing is exercise, not training. Moving the body in and of itself is the purpose of exercise. If you enjoy moving your body and feeling good for a while, there’s absolutely no problem with that; I have nothing negative to say about it at all.
Training, on the other hand, is a process through which to achieve medium and long-term objectives (such as muscular hypertrophy and increasing muscular strength and power) and that differs from exercise which achieves a temporary purpose. In training, moving the body is merely a means, not the purpose itself.
If you are exercising, it’s not a problem to perform the same exercises with the same weight and for the same number of reps each time. However, systematic training in accordance with the “principle of progression” is necessary in order to achieve medium and long-term objectives such as muscular hypertrophy and increasing muscular strength and power.
As I’ve explained, increasing the training load, rather than continuing with the same load, is a very important essential in the “principle of progression”. However, another important point we must not forget is that these increases are little by little.
There are limits to the body’s ability to try to adapt to external overload. Not only does adaptation not occur when overload is created beyond these limits, it also leads to a temporary decrease in physical strength. And if this excessive overload continues for some time, the athlete may fall into an overtrained state. (Although personally I don’t think that it’s so easy to overtrain).
So, it is also important to increase the load little by little to avoid this negative state. The extent to which “little by little” refers will differ depending on various conditions such as the athlete’s training experience, genetic potential, nutrition, sleep, and rest, etc.
For example, a beginner may be able to add 2.5kg to their squat each training session, however it is not practical for an intermediate trainee (training 2-3 times per week) to continue to increase their load at such a rate; their program will have to be changed so their load increases by 2.5kg every week, for instance. As the athlete builds experience and reaches an advanced level, it may become necessary to wait a few months before increasing the weight by 2.5kg.
In addition, the rate of progression that is appropriate for an athlete who maintains proper nutrition and gets a good night’s sleep and quality rest will differ from the rate appropriate for an athlete who neglects these essentials.
For that matter, the appropriate rate of progression will also differ depending on the characteristics of the exercise, as well as factors related to the athlete himself. For example, the appropriate rate or speed of progression will be faster for compound (multi-joint) exercises which utilize more muscle groups and muscle mass compared with isolation (single-joint) exercises which train small muscle groups.
Successfully ascertaining and adjusting the degree of progression while taking into account these various factors can also be considered a way for the Strength and Conditioning (S&C) coach to display his ability.
An S&C coach cannot control an athlete’s genetic potential or their behavior outside of training sessions (nutrition, sleep, rest), so they are faced with quite a difficult task…
If at a Loss, ask “Does it Apply to the Principle?”
The ‘principle of progressive overload’ combines the “principle of overload” and “principle of progression” above.
I consider this ‘principle of progressive overload’ a pillar of my S&C training. When I’m worried about whether one of the training programs I have created is appropriate or not, I always go back to the ‘principle of progressive overload’ and check whether my program holds true to this principle.
I also base my decisions on whether to introduce new exercise and training equipment on whether the ‘principle of progressive overload’ can be applied.
Recently, flashy-looking, eye-catching exercise and training equipment seems to be in fashion, but can load be increased little by little as the athlete adapts in training utilizing this equipment? That is the criterion.
Exercises that do not meet this criterion are no longer considered training exercises; they are positioned as simple drills. You may wish to introduce these drills in between warm-ups and the sets of training exercises if they help you to better perform training exercises that make up the main component of an S&C program. However, drills are not the main component of an S&C program; they are auxiliary components that occupy the same position as warm-up and mobility drills.
The same can be said about training equipment. There is a lot of training equipment that claims to train functional movements, however, I feel that the ‘principle of progressive overload’ can only be applied with a few pieces of equipment.
And I’m really forced to say that the general versatility of training equipment that doesn’t fit the ‘principle of progressive overload’ is extremely low.
I am sure to hear the counterargument of “No, no, the purpose of functional drills and training equipment is to train “movement”, so as long as you are able to reach a decent amount of weight, it doesn’t matter if you don’t add any more.” But if you ask me, that is not training.
I have no problem with sports coaches using these kinds of drills and training equipment as part of skills practice, but I cannot understand why an S&C coach, who is not expert in the athlete’s actual sport, would devote the athlete’s precious time to “training movement” through these kinds of drills and training equipment.
It is possible to apply the ‘principle of progressive overload’ if implementing basic barbell and dumbbell training exercises; you can increase both muscular strength and power and train basic “movements”. It is far more efficient.
So, you have just learned about the ‘principle of progressive overload’. Those with a little background knowledge of training theory and exercise physiology may be thinking “That rings a bell. Was it in the textbook?”
Alternatively, there may be many of you who feel that this is merely conceptual and not a concept that can actually be employed in S&C training. There was a time where I thought that way, but actually working with athletes made realize that it is actually a really valid concept.
Your training methods (the manner of manipulating training variables such as exercises) will change as you study, obtain new knowledge, and gain experience. However, the principles of training will always remain unchanged. The principle I introduced today, the ‘principle of progressive overload’, is the most important concept and serves as a pillar of my training.
I hope all readers can maintain strong S&C training pillars and continue to make steady progress with an appropriate training program without being drawn in by trendy pseudo training.
![]() On a personal note, my research geek friend, Bret Contreras, told me that Naoki is one of his favorite strength researchers (on his website Bret talks about the studies that Naoki did, here and here) and we feel lucky and privileged to have him as a guest writer on our Japanese site. His blog can be found here (Japanese). |
Excellent companion articles to this:
- Bret Contreras: The Ten Rules of Progressive Overload.
- Greg Nuckols: The Best Programs and Exercises for a Huge Total Are…
Questions welcomed in the comments.
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Hi Andy,
I’m on week 3 of the first 6 weeks of the “Accumulation Block” of the Pyramid Training Program. I’m at 8 sets per session per body movement which I’ve set at 2 exercises at 4 sets per. If I superset those two movements, is that still considered my 8 sets per session? Thank you! Aaron
[…] 3. Purchasing a crap program, kidding yourself that it will suffice. – P90x is a notorious example. (It fails to work past a few weeks because it doesn’t allow for progressive overload.) […]
First of all, forgive me if I make mistakes in writing, my English is not so good.
I’m a beginner, I’ve been lifting for around 3 months now.I started with light weights for isolation exercises.
Every workout I go a bit heavier for muscle growth, but after a while, for example, my bicep curl, is getting stronger by lifting heavier every time, but I don’t feel sore other day as much as I would’ve been if I was lifting lighter weights.
So I don’t want to go lighter, because of the “progressive overload”, but when I continue lifting heavier I am getting stronger, but I don’t feel sore other day, not even a half as much as I would’ve been if I was going lighter.. and I just feel like am not really breaking my muscles.
If you could help that would be great.
What you feel is largely irrelevant at this point, Vladimir. You’re getting stronger, stick with it. Don’t chase soreness.
[…] effective training routine must follow The Principle of Progressive Overload. This means that it must plan for and allow us to consistently add reps, or weight to the […]
Hey Andy first off I got to say I love your articles very informative thank you. To the question at hand is there ever a situation or variables at play that dictate stopping of a progression pattern and progressive overload (calorie range like defecit, or amount of time progressing, current volume, level of trainee, etc)? and maybe even just maintaining new Strength levels for a while.
I’ve been running linear wave loading that I found here for about 6 months. weight on deadlift is starting to feel unbearably heavy. According to BenDover2013 comment above I easily am above the intermediate trainee level
Hi Alex, thanks for the question.
weight on deadlift is starting to feel unbearably heavy.
– Sounds like the RPE has crept up higher than it probably should have. Consider dialing back a little. Three places to learn about RPE:
• Specific programming examples: The Intermediate Bodybuilding Sample Program or The Intermediate Powerlifting Sample Program
• Email course: A Course on How to Implement RPE in Your Training
• My book: The Muscle and Strength Training Pyramid
To answer your other question: Yes, absolutely. Progress will not happen forever in a calorie deficit. More on this in my choosing a program article. (Note: if you don’t find it there, I’ll have switched that section to my “Training Principles” article, which I think makes more sense. This has been on my to-do list for a while.)
Hope that helps, Alex!
What i inderstand from this that volume calculation matters more than weight for making progression overload. Thats right?
Hi Rami, yes. Weight (load) is a part of the volume calculation. So, load can remain the same or be reduced, as long as the number of sets is increased so that the total load goes up.
if i decrease the weight but doing more volume(weight*reps) can i achieve muscle hypertrophy?my goal is size not strength(sacroplasmic hypertrophy)
Size follows strength follows size. It’s unavoidable.
Hi Andy! If I’m doing 10 reps of 100 lbs, 4 sets on a particular exercise, and I want to increase weight but drop reps, I’ve been wondering if this simplified math would work – 10 reps x 100 lbs x 4 sets = 4000. So say I do 6 reps of 125 lbs for 6 sets. That’s 4500. So I’ve increased load despite less reps? Have I over simplified?
That’s right.
I do reverse pyramid training, so after warm up, I do my heaviest set first. Right now I am stuck at a 120lbs overhead press for 4 reps, but I want to be able to increase the number of reps here. Should I drop the weight slightly (to 117.5lbs) and continue with that weight until I can do 8 reps, and then return to 120lbs to hopefully blast through the plateau?
Hi Jason. Consider stopping the RPT, try a fixed set-rep pattern (4 sets of 4, 5 sets of 5, for example). You’ll probably be able to increase your training volume which will drive your size and strength up. – See the notes in the RPT article on this.
Thanks, I’ll consider that. I read the article here on Big-3, and it said to take a 2 minute rest between sets. Since 5 reps would be pretty heavy weight, should it be 3 minutes of rest between sets?
If that helps you get the job done better. Keep it consistent though.
I have been thinking that it just might be best to use a certain weight for an exercise like say 200 pounds for the bench press and just keep using that weight until the the last rep of the last set is easy..example
set 1 200 x 8 …the weight is easy last few reps
set 2 200 x 8…the weight is still easy but not as easy as the first
Set 3 200 x 8…the weight is starting to feel a little more difficult on the last few reps
set 4 200 x 8 ..the weight was a challenge on the last few reps of the set
set 5 200 x 8…the weight was a real challenge on the last 2 reps.
Then add just enough weight to make the last few reps set of the last set tough again ..then just keep using that weight until it is easy to lift on the last set again.
What do you think about this method and will it work long term ?
What do you think about this method and will it work long term ?
Sure, you could do that. It’s similar to the progression scheme covered in my article on the Big 3.
– Nothing will work forever, you’ll need to adjust. Consider checking out my training book.
Came across this page again I had forgotten to check for a response, thanks!!
Most welcome.
If youre only interested in bodybuilding do you need to apply periodization methods or will single double triple progression keep working? Thanks.
Hi Geraldo. Periodization is necessary in order to keep progressing past through the intermediate and into the advanced stages. However, this can be simpler than with strength alone.
Discussing it all is well beyond the scope of me being able to answer in the comments here, however if you’d like to find out a very good breakdown of the necessary details, Eric Helms has it covered in his Muscle & Strength Training Pyramid series on youtube.
I’d usually say here, “hope you find that useful” but I know you will. Enjoy!
[…] Progressive Overload […]
[…] Texto original em inglês […]
[…] muscle requires something called “progressive overloading“. This is just a fancy way of saying that you’ll need to strength train with […]
[…] muscle requires something called "progressive overloading." This is just a fancy way of saying that you’ll need to strength train with […]
[…] muscle requires something called “progressive overloading.” This is just a fancy way of saying that you’ll need to strength train with […]
[…] The Principle Of Progressive Overload […]
Hi Andy,
Should we take sets to failure? I recall you suggesting not to do so. However, if we don’t do that how will we know if we have gotten stronger or its time to up the weight or reps?
You can take subjective measures, for example, was that(were those) set(s) easy or hard? If the former then you increase, if the latter then you don’t. Or you set rules for yourself on when to progress. An example of this is covered in the big 3 routine article.
Hi Andy,
I train for 8 years without results, i am skinny and when i eat to gain weight it’s all fat. I’ve tried thousands of programs, i can increase the weight i lift for the first 2-3 workouts and then the weight starts to decrease. Why is this happens?
Hi Yanni, I’m taking wild guesses here based on two sentences, but it’s probably due to not eating enough, compounded by the belief that you can’t rather then that you can.