The Principle Of Progressive Overload

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August 12, 2022 01:32

Hi Andy,

I’m on week 3 of the first 6 weeks of the “Accumulation Block” of the Pyramid Training Program. I’m at 8 sets per session per body movement which I’ve set at 2 exercises at 4 sets per. If I superset those two movements, is that still considered my 8 sets per session? Thank you! Aaron

Physique Training Goal Setting - Part 3 | RippedBody
June 28, 2017 08:10

[…] 3. Purchasing a crap program, kidding yourself that it will suffice. – P90x is a notorious example. (It fails to work past a few weeks because it doesn’t allow for progressive overload.) […]

May 25, 2017 01:09

First of all, forgive me if I make mistakes in writing, my English is not so good.
I’m a beginner, I’ve been lifting for around 3 months now.I started with light weights for isolation exercises.
Every workout I go a bit heavier for muscle growth, but after a while, for example, my bicep curl, is getting stronger by lifting heavier every time, but I don’t feel sore other day as much as I would’ve been if I was lifting lighter weights.
So I don’t want to go lighter, because of the “progressive overload”, but when I continue lifting heavier I am getting stronger, but I don’t feel sore other day, not even a half as much as I would’ve been if I was going lighter.. and I just feel like am not really breaking my muscles.
If you could help that would be great.

The Core Principles of Effective Training |
April 22, 2017 19:29

[…] effective training routine must follow The Principle of Progressive Overload. This means that it must plan for and allow us to consistently add reps, or weight to the […]

March 30, 2017 06:35

Hey Andy first off I got to say I love your articles very informative thank you. To the question at hand is there ever a situation or variables at play that dictate stopping of a progression pattern and progressive overload (calorie range like defecit, or amount of time progressing, current volume, level of trainee, etc)? and maybe even just maintaining new Strength levels for a while.
I’ve been running linear wave loading that I found here for about 6 months. weight on deadlift is starting to feel unbearably heavy. According to BenDover2013 comment above I easily am above the intermediate trainee level

February 4, 2017 20:56

What i inderstand from this that volume calculation matters more than weight for making progression overload. Thats right?

February 4, 2017 01:14

if i decrease the weight but doing more volume(weight*reps) can i achieve muscle hypertrophy?my goal is size not strength(sacroplasmic hypertrophy)

August 24, 2016 01:01

Hi Andy! If I’m doing 10 reps of 100 lbs, 4 sets on a particular exercise, and I want to increase weight but drop reps, I’ve been wondering if this simplified math would work – 10 reps x 100 lbs x 4 sets = 4000. So say I do 6 reps of 125 lbs for 6 sets. That’s 4500. So I’ve increased load despite less reps? Have I over simplified?

June 29, 2016 02:59

I do reverse pyramid training, so after warm up, I do my heaviest set first. Right now I am stuck at a 120lbs overhead press for 4 reps, but I want to be able to increase the number of reps here. Should I drop the weight slightly (to 117.5lbs) and continue with that weight until I can do 8 reps, and then return to 120lbs to hopefully blast through the plateau?

June 29, 2016 23:05
Reply to  Andy Morgan

Thanks, I’ll consider that. I read the article here on Big-3, and it said to take a 2 minute rest between sets. Since 5 reps would be pretty heavy weight, should it be 3 minutes of rest between sets?

June 15, 2016 23:02

I have been thinking that it just might be best to use a certain weight for an exercise like say 200 pounds for the bench press and just keep using that weight until the the last rep of the last set is easy..example

set 1 200 x 8 …the weight is easy last few reps
set 2 200 x 8…the weight is still easy but not as easy as the first
Set 3 200 x 8…the weight is starting to feel a little more difficult on the last few reps
set 4 200 x 8 ..the weight was a challenge on the last few reps of the set
set 5 200 x 8…the weight was a real challenge on the last 2 reps.

Then add just enough weight to make the last few reps set of the last set tough again ..then just keep using that weight until it is easy to lift on the last set again.

What do you think about this method and will it work long term ?


Geraldo Rivera
Geraldo Rivera
November 27, 2015 11:58

Came across this page again I had forgotten to check for a response, thanks!!

geraldo rivera
geraldo rivera
September 18, 2015 21:09

If youre only interested in bodybuilding do you need to apply periodization methods or will single double triple progression keep working? Thanks.

Progressing from 'The Big 3' to a Split Routine |
June 13, 2015 08:24

[…] Progressive Overload […]

O Princípio da Sobrecarga ProgressivaDieta & Malhação
April 2, 2015 08:54

[…] Texto original em inglês […]

A Skinny Person's Guide To Gaining Weight | Lifehacker Australia
February 4, 2015 13:01

[…] muscle requires something called “progressive overloading“. This is just a fancy way of saying that you’ll need to strength train with […]

A Skinny Person's Guide to Gaining Weight - BluGry8MiDawg
February 3, 2015 08:02

[…] muscle requires something called "progressive overloading." This is just a fancy way of saying that you’ll need to strength train with […]

A Skinny Person’s Guide to Gaining Weight | Emelar IT Group
February 3, 2015 07:41

[…] muscle requires something called “progressive overloading.” This is just a fancy way of saying that you’ll need to strength train with […]

What To Expect | Physique Goal Setting (pt3) |
January 5, 2015 08:49

[…] The Principle Of Progressive Overload […]

November 20, 2014 11:13

Hi Andy,

Should we take sets to failure? I recall you suggesting not to do so. However, if we don’t do that how will we know if we have gotten stronger or its time to up the weight or reps?

October 15, 2014 09:41

Hi Andy,

I train for 8 years without results, i am skinny and when i eat to gain weight it’s all fat. I’ve tried thousands of programs, i can increase the weight i lift for the first 2-3 workouts and then the weight starts to decrease. Why is this happens?
