Turkesterone! The same muscle-building benefits of anabolic steroids, but without the side effects or legal consequences of taking them? — Sounds a bit too good to be true. But is it?
Absolutely. 🤣
What Is Turkesterone?
Turkesterone is a type of phytoecdysteroid. These are compounds that plants use to defend against insects. (Phyto is the prefix used in biology derived from Greek meaning plant.)
Ecdysteroids are also responsible for the development in anthropods, so scientists decided to test whether these could help humans grow too.

Years ago, there was another hyped phytoecdysteroid with a less catchy name called beta-ecdysterone.
It had some promising mechanistic research, and it caused muscle growth in rodents, but human research had lackluster results, and people soon forgot about it.
Fast forward to now, and the spotlight is on turkesterone. But at the time of writing this, there are no human trials of turkesterone.
Literally none.
And we’ve got no good reason to think it would be any better than the other.
Now, to show you yet another classic case of supplement industry shenanigans…
An experienced researcher recently tested a whole range of Turkesterone products on the market and found that all of them were massively under-dosed compared to the label claims. That means that even if turkesterone did work as claimed, the supplement bottle only contained a fraction of what customers were supposed to get.
In fact, one had less than 0.2% of the claimed content. That’s the equivalent of expecting 25g of protein in a scoop of whey, but only getting 0.05g.
Even if turkesterone worked as claimed, good luck seeing results with a severely underdosed formula.
Look, here’s the takeaway point.
Turkesterone is just the latest hyped supplement that fitness influencers are being paid to peddle to us. 😡

It sounds promising, and it has a catchy name that evokes the idea that it is a non-drug steroid but with steroid-like effects. This simply isn’t the case.
Save your money. Don’t fall for the hype.
Related: The Ripped Body Supplements Guide
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