Note: You are an individual, your results will vary depending on genetics, adherence, and effort.
I’m trying to figure out a compromise where I can still share photos & testimonials, but save you the hassle of the results page load times (and me the headache of editing that huge lot of html). I think we’re nearly there, but in the meantime, here are three recent client results that I thought might be of interest. Hope you find them motivational, and thanks to Adrian, Tom and Marc for agreeing to share.
Adrian M., Canada – Slow Bulk

Sender: Andy Morgan |
Recipient: Adrian M. |
Re: 12 Week Check-in (Final) |
Clearly looking at data week to week isn’t the way here, the general trend is the way to judge things. Steady gains all over, right through the last 12 weeks. If we’d gone any quicker then you’d likely have put on more fat rather than muscle. I’d consider you a solid intermediate, and looking at the “muscle growth potential” guidelines [from this post] and your weight gain in total, I’d say we got this just about right. Training Status | Gains/month | Energy Surplus/day Beginner | 2-3lbs | ~200-300kCal Intermediate | 1-2lbs | ~100-200kCal Advanced | 0.5lbs | slight surplus Yes, nothing exceptional, but exceptional generally only happens with ‘assistance’ (or when a previously big, muscled guy comes back into training after a lay off. I’m happy with this result Adrian, think we did good.
I want to get better, so speak freely. Andy |
Sender: Adrian M. |
Recipient: Andy Morgan |
Re: 12 Week Check-in (Final) |
Hey Andy, I agree that i do look bigger/fuller and am very happy about that. After the cut I looked great but skinny. But I’m past that point now and hope to get even further. Not sure how much further I’ll get considering I’m approaching 50. I did learn to keep calorie increases in line with training. Hopefully I’ll be able to make the right changes as time progresses. I do see myself as an intermediate trainee and I’m glad you that you are of the same opinion. To answer your questions…
Thanks you for the extra effort in reviewing my progress every two weeks. Much appreciated. I’m off tomorrow morning for a week’s vacation to Cuba. I haven’t been on a vacation in months so looking forward to a relaxing holiday. I wish you all the very best and have made a note to send you an update with pics next year at this time. Hopefully you will be interested in seeing how much further I got. Thanks again. Adrian |
Tom G. Netherlands – Cut

Age: 28, Height: 178cm (5’8″), Weight: 80.4->74.6kg (177->164lbs), Stomach: 85.5->74.2cm (33.7->29.2″)
Fairly typical example of a reasonably muscled guy cutting to shreds*. (*Technically I’d say Tom is around another 2-3 weeks in this picture from what I’d consider ‘non-stage shredded’.) No cardio or any special tactics needed. Sleep was fine, no issues with stress, and fat loss was (and often is in these situations) linear all the way.
“I feel excellent with the changes. Couple of years ago i had an 8-pack. So I will go on till my lower abs are clearly visible and then slow bulk 🙂 IF is a new start and way in my life I will definitely be doing and stay doing.
Thanks again for the past 3 months, for your patience and all answers. Also all your knowledge you gave me!
Marc H. Japan – Cut/Recomp

Age: 36, Height: 165.5cm (5’5″), Weight: 64.0->56.9kg (141->125lbs), Stomach: 78->70cm (30.7->27.6″)
I worked with Marc for the usual 12 weeks. The extended time frame is because the photo on the right was mailed to me ~6 weeks after we finished working together, when he had taken it to the point he was happy with.
“Just thought I’d fill you in on a little progress. I’ve dropped more weight and I’d say I’m almost ready for a slow-bulk. I was told that I was probably about 7 or 8% body fat the other day. Didn’t think I’d be hearing that a few months back. Anyway, I feel like there is still a little fat just above my belly button. It doesn’t really concern me much though.
I’ve been sticking to the weight program you told me to use and I feel like it’s pretty spot on. Doing 3 exercises a session only and I’ve had quite a few people asking if I was getting ready for a comp. Maybe lost a little size in the chest possibly, although it just measures in about a cm less than when we last spoke. Arms are around the same, lost some more cms around the belly too. On an empty stomach this morning I was 56.9kg. Seems so skinny but I think you’ll agree from the pics, I don’t look that skinny (except in the face).
The most helpful thing hiring you as a coach, besides obviously your good advice, was knowing someone would be strictly assessing what I was doing. It worked well and kept me motivated. Yet, even now that our 12 weeks is over, I feel this is a pretty easy to maintain diet and the results I’ve seen will definitely keep me going with it well into the future.
Cheers for everything again!

Lifting stats for those looking to compare. Note, this is @ ~57kg bodyweight. Front SQ: 60kgx5x5 -> 70kgx5x5, Deadlift: 125kgx5x3 -> 137.5x5x3 |
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