I’m occasionally asked why we only take on male clients, understandably so, and I want to give a detailed answer on camera because I think my female audience deserves one.
Now I could sit here and tell you that the reason I choose to work with men, is because I know that the narrower the area I focused on; the better I could become, and the better my reputation would be.
And while that latter part is true in hindsight, the actual reason I stopped coaching women, is because I wasn’t very good at it when I tried.
Well, while the principles and “how-tos” of fat loss and muscle gain remain pretty much the same across the sexes.
Coaching is not just telling people what to do. There’s a huge psychological component to it.
Yes, I could tell people how to set their macros for a fat loss or gaining phase and recognize when someone needed a diet break, and all that other stuff, but that’s not coaching.
You’ve gotta listen to what the client wants, evaluate whether that is the right thing for them to do, discuss that with them, be prepared to push back, agree on a plan, and then actually speak to them in a way that helps them stick to it.
I don’t understand the struggles that women go through in the same way I know what men go through.
And while I’m not saying that to be a good coach you need to work with people exactly like you, you do need to understand what that is like so that you know what to say, and that means you need to have had plenty of conversations about that. But in my Japan bubble, frankly, these aren’t conversations that I have.
So after a year of coaching, I decided to focus on just working with men.
And I’ve been coaching men for so long now (over a decade), that I don’t really know anything about coaching women. And it would be wrong of me to offer a sub-par service when there are other great coaches out there who have spent years honing their craft, that I can refer out to.
But please know, that while my online coaching is focused on a really small niche of people, the website that I’ve spent the last 10+ years working on, my books, and now my Instagram, that’s for anyone.
You’re welcome to ask me questions at any time. And I’ll always answer if I can. 😊🙏🏻
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