In most gyms you go to nowadays you will find a few of the membership take steroids. It’s a fact of life. Though sometimes it’s obvious, rarely will anyone admit using them so you end up guessing who is on them.
The unfortunate side of this is that many members look up to these guys at the gym. They may ask about training or diet advice, or simply copy what they do, inevitably leading them down a path of frustration. Why? Steroids allow people with even the shittiest diet and training routines to gain muscle and lose fat. – Their advice is irrelevant and their size doesn’t make them qualified to give it to a natural trainee.
Many supplement company ads and online fitness marketers give people inflated and unrealistic expectations. Frustration, once their bank balances are considerably lighter, leads people to consider steroids as the solution. It’s a vicious cycle that sucks kids into it and unfortunately many end up ruining their health.
Don’t be tempted.
Rich offered to share his story as he wants to become a positive role-model. I think given his job this was quite a brave move. Here’s the initial e-mail exchange:
RICH: “I suppose I am looking for a bit of inspiration really. I own my own gym. I also supply supplements within the gym. I have to spout to people about eating 6 meals a day blah blah blah all day at work, and to be honest Andrew I have never really believed it. I came across Leangains a few years ago but there wasn’t really much about it. When I watched horizon I couldn’t believe it and it was nice to hear back-up on what I believed made sense! Hence I hit the net and found you. I guess I’m looking to learn about IF as well as put it into practice.”
Before I offer to work with people I make a suggestion on a course of action and prediction of what can be achieved. Rich was no different in this regard, however, his response floored me.
RICH: “I would also like to do a course of anabolic steroids [long list] and yohimbine. I’m not sure if you disapprove of this and if you say don’t then I won’t. If I do this, could I indeed up my training days?”
Initially, I thought this was a joke. Ronnie Coleman would have blushed. Here in an excerpt from my response:
The previous prediction I gave you was based on you not taking AAS and I stand by that. Are you willing to give it a go without the AAS? Even the Yohimbine HCL. – I don’t think we need it at all yet. If it’s your first time dieting naturally then I can understand your reservations. Just let me know if you’re up for this experiment.
Having already asked him to cut back training to 3 days a week, ditch his beloved Tabatas, and drop all cardio I did not expect a positive response. However…
RICH: “Yes, I can give it a go the natural way! See what happens. Will be interesting to see what happens……I might be surprised!!!!!”
Game on.
Cut using steroids (2009) vs Cut using Leangains (2012)
The above picture shows a comparison with Rich’s previous best condition using the drugs in 2009, with using the Leangains method this year. It’s likely that he will have put on muscle in that time so it’s only fair to compare his level of leanness. Note: He’s leaner now as he was a little bloated in the picture on the right.
“These 12 weeks has really changed my life in such a positive way and I’m the type of person I want to share it. I will also crack on with your advice, carry on learning and then in the new year come back to you and slow bulk. Knowing what I know now and the effects it’s had on my life your service is worth far more than what I paid you. I really can’t say enough about how it’s changed me and more importantly, my confidence has shot up and I have taken control of my life back.
I have also had a few people ask me to take them on as they are so impressed with my results. I have also in the last week opened a high street supplements shop (ironic as I don’t use nearly as many as people think), and want to use that as my base for new clients. My existing gym members are mostly stuck in the way of training 6 days a week with countless hours of cardio! Will you be available to me for advice the odd occasion? I tell everyone about your site and to take a look. I don’t mind if you want to charge me for asking you questions etc.
I hope you use my pictures and I will be more than happy to write a testimonial for your site. Finally, I have found something that I can pass on and change people’s lives forever and for the better. Money doesn’t buy happiness or satisfaction (many a lonely rich man), but I believe I can finally get job satisfaction.”
Rich learned that he does’t need to use drugs to get to the level of leanness he desires.
Weight: 191lbs -> 180lbs, Stomach: 37.8″ -> 33.1″, Height: 5’10″
Rich lost 10lbs and 3″ in the first week, most of which will have been due to water weight losses. It’s rather an extreme and unusual case so haven’t included this first week of data in the numbers above. Otherwise, it would have been a 21lb and ~7.5″ loss.

Note: You are an individual, your results will vary depending on genetics, adherence, and effort.
I think Rich did very well but this one won’t be put on the results page. I only want to feature lifetime drug-free people on there. Thanks for sharing Rich.
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