The Diet Adjustments Manual — Update Log
This page lists the revisions to The Diet Adjustments Manual (formerly called The Last Shred) since the original release in 2015.
- You can purchase a copy here.
- You use the email address you purchased with to download the latest version for free here.
- For help and support, see here.

November 7th, 2023, The Diet Adjustments Manual v.3.0.9.
Pg 105 – Progress tracker spreadsheet link updated.
January 23rd, 2023, The Diet Adjustments Manual v.3.0.8
Pg 105 – Progress tracker spreadsheet link updated.
January 9th, 2022, The Diet Adjustments Manual v.3.0.7
- Pg 109 – “For the arms, curl your biceps and tense at the widest point.” > “For the arms, curl your biceps, tense, and measure at the widest point.”
- Updated introduction to make the language congruent with my decision to hire other coaches.
August 25th, 2021, The Diet Adjustments Manual v.3.0.6
- Pg 182 – End of adjustments tree text change from “Make a calorie increase” to “Make a calorie increase if weight gain is under target, decrease if over.”
April 7th, 2021, The Diet Adjustments Manual v.3.0.5
- Pg 286 – “When things don’t go to plan, the ‘all-or-nothing’ attitude.” > “When things don’t go to plan, avoid taking an ‘all-or-nothing’ attitude.”
April 6th, 2021, The Diet Adjustments Manual v.3.0.4
- Pg 225/226 – Formulas updated
- “…– weight in pounds” > “+ weight in pounds”
- “…– weight in kilograms” > “+ weight in kilograms”
- “(0.5*500 – 200)” > “(0.5*500 + 200)”
March 30th, 2021, The Diet Adjustments Manual v.3.0.3
- Pg 151 – “Make your calorie reductions in this ratio when bulking” > “Make your calorie additions in this ratio when bulking”
March 29th, 2021, The Diet Adjustments Manual v.3.0.2
- Pg 73 – “but the cost of gaining muscle mass” > “but it’s the cost of gaining muscle mass”
- Pg 83 – “So, it impossible to make a single macro calculation” > “So, it’s impossible to make a single macro calculation”
- Pg 97 – “you’re dehydrated.)” > “you’re dehydrated.”
March 25th, 2021, The Diet Adjustments Manual v.3.0.1
- Pg 28 – Broken link fixed to How To Make Training Programs article. “/hot-to…” > “/how-to…”
- Pg 151 – “Make your calorie reductions in this ratio when cutting.” > “Make your calorie reductions in this ratio when bulking.”
March 24th, 2021, The Diet Adjustments Manual v.3.0
- A complete rewrite, triple the length, built off of reader feedback. I’ve included sketches to help explain concepts, a much-requested section on adjustments for bulking, detailed sections on transitioning to maintenance, cut, and bulk periods, and more detailed client examples.

March 29th, 2017 | The Last Shred v.2.3.1
- Six minor grammar errors fixed. – Thanks to Faisal for catching these.
December 21st, 2016 | The Last Shred v2.3.0
- Font size and type changed to improve readability on mobile phones.
December 10th, 2016 | The Last Shred v2.2.3
- Pg 22 – Added bullet point, “Water, due to stress or the menstrual cycle.”
- Pg 24 – Added new paragraph, “Use the same lighting conditions, camera, camera angle, time of day, and pose. Competitors should consider adding a third picture from the back, as this can show major changes in lower back and hip+ass fat which the front and side photos will not towards the end of the diet.”
November 24th, 2016 | The Last Shred v2.2.2
- Pg 22 – “2. Measure in nine places” > “2. Take circumference measurements in nine places”
- Pg 27 – “If you’re not familiar with the RPE notation” > “If you’re not familiar with the rating of perceived exertion (RPE) notation”
November 21st, 2016 | The Last Shred v2.2.1
- Tracking spreadsheet created and added for download.
November 20th, 2016 | The Last Shred v2.2.0
- Part 4 on tracking entirely rewritten.
- Example training notation added.

September 30th, 2016 | The Last Shred v2.1.1
- Adrian’s image watermark changed to .com branding.
August 3rd, 2016 | The Last Shred v2.1.0
- Cover, links, and image watermarks changed from .jp to .com after the site URL update.
February 9th, 2016 | The Last Shred v2
- Second edition released. Rebranded as, The Last Shred. Too many rewrites and updates to list here but a summary of changes are in the introduction.
August 21st, 2015 | The Diet Adjustments Manual v1
- First edition released under the title, The Diet Adjustments Manual. Many updates were made between this and the second edition but I have not listed them.