Having worked in the fitness industry for the last 15 years I was good at instructing others but when it came to my own goals I was forever self-sabotaging by making random and un-calculated changes.
Working with Andy made this a whole lot easier as it took away the self-doubt and made me accountable. All I had to do was follow his guidance, trust in his process and watch the results unfold.
What has been the biggest take away from the coaching so far?
I’d have to say realizing consistency is key, I would forever make changes to macros and calories due to a bad week or even a bad few days. After working with Andy I have come to the realization that things take time and consistency is key to success, small daily or even weekly fluctuations are irrelevant in the big picture of things.
Another massive takeaway from this experience is getting into this sort of shape without using any “enhancement” supplements, I never imagined it possible to look this good and be this strong naturally. I look better and perform better now than when I was a user of performance-enhancing supplements in the past, this was probably the biggest eye opener of all from this experience, old-fashioned hard work, good food, and good guidance is all that is needed, plain and simple. If your confident your following Andy’s guidance and hitting your macros then trust the process and relax!
How do you feel about the progress we have made?
During my time working with Andy I had a lot going on, including a lot of work travel and other unforeseen circumstances but we worked around them and we still got the results we set out to obtain from the beginning, having to check in with Andy made me stay accountable for my decisions and to keep pushing even when the circumstances where tough, Andy was also very accommodating with my constant travel plans and working around them.
Did you have any “aha!” moments?
Andy’s training methods have seen my overall training volume go down but all my lifts increase even while cutting the weight, I have come to the realization I have spent the last few years spending far too much time in the gym, often 2 hours+ a day, with no significant strength gains, I’m actually amazed at the lifts I have been able to manage training under Andy’s system and guidance and my “aha!” moment would have to be that sometimes less is more, I wasted years over training and either under-eating/overeating, Andy makes things extremely simple, do as he says and the results will follow.
If I had not decided to finally take the plunge and source help I feel I would be in the same position as I was in for the unforeseeable future, overtraining and switching between undereating and overeating trying to obtain goals that I would never have reached as I didn’t have that level of accountability that working with Andy gives you. Check-in days where always exciting as it’s a great feeling to see the numbers decreasing and knowing that you have done things right..
Overall: 3rd Feb 209.4 lbs > 9th June 189.6 lbs